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Dec 17 2021
Apr 10 2020
I just got an e-mail notification about the update.
Mar 16 2019
2017 is over. Can this be closed?
They can even connect with users on other platforms, if -- like the microblogging service Mastodon -- they implement the same free protocols Aardwolf is built on.
The footer has now the same width as the content (what looks good).
Dec 6 2018
You can use the test account there: Follow the Try Now and become David.
Here is the source of the mail:
Since then, i'm havily using HackMD. It just feels very lightwight to open a new browser tab, create a document and let ideas flow.
Still same problem in latest newsletter.
Feb 27 2018
After discussing to remove the files from the wiki and only have them on github, we decided that the past workflow works good for developing hardware and we will keep them organized in the wiki.
Feb 21 2018
The amount of files on the fileserver is overwhelming, but the current versions are linked in the wiki, so i was able to commit them to Github.
Feb 2 2018
The initial problem is still fixed.
Jan 31 2018
The problem is fixed now. Thanks!
Jan 29 2018
Jan 19 2018
For this years congress, i hope at least one of @sebastian and @Bertl can free up 4 days to attend.
Dec 19 2017
Dear Apertus Assembly,
your Assembly is accepted and we will provide a space for you.
Nov 17 2017
@jatha great. do you want to be part of the assembly?
Nov 15 2017
I registered our assembly and spoke to felix.
Nov 14 2017
- then the camera is shipped with a bunch of random crap on it. the end result should be just the calibration files.
- i suggest calling it (or similar) as i intended it to do all calibrations needed before the camera get's shipped to the customer
Nov 13 2017
Thanks. There is a lot of random stuff but i will try to do it so Bertl can use the time to work on more complex tasks.
Nov 12 2017
Nov 11 2017
- a program is easier to find on github
- commit messages and issues are related to the one program
- we can configure a CI (like Travis/Gitlab CI) to test, build and package the program, needs a YAML file per repo (there you select one language and get the build tools)
- you can use git tags to tag releases
- it's easier to use git bisect to debug in which commit a bug was introduced
Nov 2 2017
People from apertus who will be there:
I'm working on it. Actually Step 2 is already fully automated.
Like you might have seen on the mailing list, Cineform is now open source.
In general yes. To have a clean system, we should package them. So we can also update them with the systems package manager.
Oct 2 2017
Since we partner with Felix from the VOC we should ask them to have a combined assembly.
I have used YOURLS in the past. It works... and is easy to setup.
This combination looks really good: (technically and visually!)
Sep 3 2017
We could also build our own NP-F compatible batteries (later) with Panasonic 18650 inside. The electronics seem not too complicated.
Jul 25 2017
GitHub answered that the apertus organisation is not dormant but has only no public activity. Maybe we should decide an alternative short handle.
it will be way more work later. also i would like to have apertus as name on github too.
can we create a group on gitlab to give multiple people permissions like with organizations on github?
@RexOr please don't use apertus-open-source-cinema as name, it's toooooooooo long, nobody wants to type that in! you could use it as display name or description...
@maltefiala GitLab is a good software, so thair CI is probaply also good. i never used it...
generally i like as a CI. it executes the build in docker containers, so you have a clean invironment every time but it is as easy as Travis. it is open source, you can install it on your own server that has docker (it runs in a docker container itself). they currently don't have a public instance, but will privide paid services in the future and probaply free for open source projects like in the past.
Jul 7 2017
As i said in the audio recorder issue, we should focus right now on finalizing the AXIOM Beta, then we can build more open hardware devices like this.
Jul 6 2017
Addition to proposal 2:
Jun 3 2017
Sony bloggie MHS-CM5
Mar 22 2017
The test footage looks amazing.
Mar 16 2017
Mar 10 2017
I also don't like the greek symbol. It don't fits the other used fonts.
Mar 2 2017
Feb 23 2017
They wouldn't want to have have 'Beta III' on an enclosure [...], because it would make their camera seem out of date when it wasn't.
I think it makes sense to have the same logo on every device, like @RexOr said.
Feb 22 2017
Jan 12 2017
@sebastian i can try, but earliest next weekend.
Jan 4 2017
Sebastian said morrigan installs it on
Jan 3 2017
Dec 19 2016
Nov 29 2016
How do we deal with all the content, for example on pages like this?
Nov 28 2016
actual page structure and content
The URL structure is quite good!
In T662#10289, @sebastian wrote:two websites: for the community side, for the commercial side
Main Menu
Nov 27 2016
The apertus°-Project has 2 sides:
Nov 17 2016
Nov 11 2016
@nils are you making progress on the design? can i see the current state?
I haven't forgotten this, but i really had no time.
Nov 10 2016
I really like Markdown for writing, so i was really happy to find
AXIOM is officially licensed Open Hardware.
Oct 29 2016
Oct 19 2016
@sebastian you may consider using 2 shotgun or super cardioid mics rather than lavs. can get boomed with tripods.
P2P is the future of the Internet.
Oct 10 2016
Maybe this is the right time and place to suggest NixOS.
It is not used primarily in embedded devices and is also not very enduser friendly right now, but has some advantages like atomic updates (what would help here to easily roll back updates) and declarative configuration.
It is build around the Nix package manager, that can be also used on other Linux distributions and even OS X (theoretically also on Windows, but no one is working on that). They are working on reprodicible builds.
The community is very active and helpful! I use NixOS on most servers at home.
You can find my OS configurations here:
Sep 9 2016
@Bertl Yes, like i said, it's currently nearly impossible.
Yes, it is nearly impossible but can be a goal. Like Fairphone does it.
Aug 25 2016
Jun 26 2016
Sep 21 2015
so the battery is shown as full even if it's empty? :D
Jul 23 2015
Have you considered Magento for the Shop?
We have a lot of customers using it and it works well.
Jul 11 2015
i think it is not a problem. people come to the website to get informations about the project und the first information someone needs is what the project is about. then they will scroll down and find informations about the newest activities.
May 27 2015
Feb 4 2015
a very fine rendered 3D picture of the Axiom Beta in the middle and the apertus° logo under it (middle or right).