photo camera image snapping script
Open, NormalPublic


Create a script that creates a unique filename (based on date and time probably) stops the hdmi stream, calls cmv_snap3 and captures a raw12 file onto camera micro SD card, restarts HDMI live stream.

It might make sense to also capture metadata in a sidecar file (linearization LUTs and FPN correction settings, darkframe + row/col values)

sebastian updated the task description. (Show Details)
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sebastian added a project: AXIOM Beta Software.
sebastian moved this task to Backlog on the AXIOM Beta Software board.
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Bertl: lienarization LUTs, RCN, CMV register und alle generator settings sind fuer snaps relevant
Bertl: die addressaufteilung unterscheidet grob zwischen input pipeline (0x8*) und output pipeline (0x6*) wenn ich mich recht erinnere
Bertl: (oder umgekehrt :)

first version works pretty well already.

18 seconds from snapping to having raw12, dng, ppm and jpg written