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Feb 24 2015
Feb 23 2015
+ link to order PCB from oshpark
Feb 18 2015
Dec 21 2014
We ordered a http://www.atum3d.com/ SLA based 3d printer last week.
Dec 20 2014
Sorry guys I wanted to organize this but im not familiar enough with wiki formatting and ive been busy with business stuff lately. If someone else wanted to pick this up that would be great.
Dec 15 2014
I hope the following remark (read wish list) not too off topic.
I have issues getting the whole picture of the project.
There are a lot of things discussed on the lab but I think it has one drawback. Being discussion based (at the moment at least), I feel a lack of structure. Technical and non technical subjects tends to be mixed up.
Dec 8 2014
- Add Alpha references and links to Alpha page
- Add sample video footage from Alpha
- Add sample 4k raw images from Alpha
- Add 3d print images
Dec 4 2014
seems PhilC disappeared, freeing task for someone else to pick
Nov 27 2014
Nov 25 2014
OK from Herbert, ready for release!
updated images according to suggestions.
Some more feedback about image selection from Herbert:
Will publish soon.
Ok, I've corrected this again. And now?
Nov 24 2014
Sasha, I am afraid you changed the meaning of the text once again.
I've shortened the first sentence. How does it feel now?
The peer review image does not work for some reason, maybe we have a better one than the PCB panel one?
added a full screen link that opens in another window
fine for me, hadn't seen it already
Great thanks.
Nov 23 2014
I've made a few edits in the introduction, as some of the wording and grammar required improvement
The page still looks a bit messy, increasing priority, this page is probably the most important we have on the website right now!
we received new pictures from the tag organizers and used them in the article.
just used some ( oil painting ) Gimp filter as alternative to recovering them
FYI each line on the IRC log has a numbered HTML anchor
Added a bit of introduction text, https://apertus.org/axiom-saga-history-article-article-2014
its beautiful now!
Nov 22 2014
edited slightly and added added a general 20% padding style for all <p> on this page.
yes, forgot to mention that, the faq still needs to be edited. anyone ?
Nov 21 2014
We have question duplicates now, like "Do I need to be a programmer to use any future AXIOM? "
I don't understand how the toc and column width of the answers are related?
No worries Sebastian, I understand
Nov 20 2014
i was also confused about the pictures and wanted to create a ticket to take new screenshots with the actual design because i thought this was an old design :D
now with the toc, I'm not sure we really gain something with the indent
Note that the table of content module is a text filter, in this case configured here : https://apertus.org/admin/config/content/formats/visual_editor
I installed a table of content module that does the job for us : https://apertus.org/en/faq
PhilC, how is the article going?
article published: https://apertus.org/tag-cdmx-festival-mexico-article-2014
...or limit width even on big screens
One suggestion was to increase font size until the character count matches the line length.
Columns and paragraphs : no (non-ugly) solution found. I think the two column thing doesn't work terribly well in most cases. Our problem is that line length is too long if we don't use columns, and then the text becomes hard to read.
I've refined the text in the article. Please advise if you think anything doesn't sound correct.
Nov 19 2014
Can this be uploaded to a -wip page so that i can submit changes for review?
Herberts feedback:
article ready for review: https://apertus.org/tag-cdmx-festival-mexico-article-2014
Lets give this timeline its own article:
we could host ourselves, but it would be quite a bit more hassle.
If we want to embed it in an article we either need to host timelinejs ourselves or embedd a HTTPS iframe.
Do we have a raw Version ;-))?
Are you confident we can recover http://www.13thfloor.at/~herbert/IMAG0826.jpg, http://www.13thfloor.at/~herbert/IMAG0829.jpg and http://www.13thfloor.at/~herbert/IMAG0830.jpg into a useable form?
Would select one ( or both ) of Workshop and talk
I think we can consider this as fixed.
it can be done as well, let me check that
stress should be put on not overloading the sheet - btw. google spreadsheet is really great - I think exact dates would not be needed, IMHO week of year suffice.
Preview is even greater!!!
Timeline work in progress here : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkuoL30VroS1dFpZVEtoNk4yUkpsb1pRTEN4S0w3X0E#gid=0
Please help us by answering the questions in the task description.
a very cool tool for timelines (presented online only) is timelinejs : http://timeline.knightlab.com/
testing adding a project in cc
Nov 18 2014
adding potential helpers, including myself :-)
Nov 15 2014
Also fine!
I tried to download the file here, and it unpacks fine btw
I would do the other way around and put everything under a single faq page. Thoughts?
Nov 14 2014
sent you direct message with the file, hope that works better.
Tried to dl, but file seems to be corrupt or pw protected? Cheers, phil