move crowdfunding FAQ questions to AXIOM FAQ
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Currently we have the crowdfunding questions added to

But the better place would actually be here:

Lets move the crowdfunding related questions over and add a link in that the crowdfunding related content is availabe at

sebastian updated the task description. (Show Details)
sebastian raised the priority of this task from to Normal.
sebastian added a subscriber: sebastian.

I would do the other way around and put everything under a single faq page. Thoughts?

Also fine!

I would suggest we create a linklist to every question at the beginning then though as a kind of index.

philippej closed this task as Resolved.Nov 20 2014, 11:03 PM
philippej claimed this task.

I installed a table of content module that does the job for us :

Note that the table of content module is a text filter, in this case configured here :

sebastian reopened this task as Open.Nov 21 2014, 4:22 PM

We have question duplicates now, like "Do I need to be a programmer to use any future AXIOM? "

yes, forgot to mention that, the faq still needs to be edited. anyone ?

philippej closed this task as Resolved.Nov 22 2014, 7:24 PM

edited slightly and added added a general 20% padding style for all <p> on this page.