Photo Selection
Closed, ResolvedPublic

4nd1 created this task.Nov 19 2014, 12:17 PM
4nd1 updated the task description. (Show Details)
4nd1 raised the priority of this task from to Normal.
4nd1 added subscribers: sebastian, 4nd1, philippej and 3 others.

Would select one ( or both ) of Workshop and talk

4nd1 added a comment.EditedNov 19 2014, 1:33 PM

Do we have a raw Version ;-))?

sebastian closed this task as Resolved.Nov 19 2014, 6:43 PM
sebastian claimed this task.
4nd1 reopened this task as Open.EditedNov 23 2014, 10:31 PM

just used some ( oil painting ) Gimp filter as alternative to recovering them

4nd1 closed this task as Resolved.Nov 23 2014, 10:31 PM

we received new pictures from the tag organizers and used them in the article.