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Feb 6 2019

sebastian added a project to T729: Linux Kernel driver for Lattice MachXO2 programming/debugging: AXIOM Beta Software.
Feb 6 2019, 12:52 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian added projects to T885: USB Module Gearwork: AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software.
Feb 6 2019, 12:52 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Beta Hardware
sebastian added projects to T1130: Pixel Remapper: AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Beta Hardware.
Feb 6 2019, 12:52 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian added projects to T1131: Dynamic Configuration: AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Beta Hardware.
Feb 6 2019, 12:51 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian added a project to T721: 4K HDMI output Gearwork Logic: AXIOM Beta Hardware.
Feb 6 2019, 12:51 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian added projects to T887: eMMC Plugin Firmware: AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software.
Feb 6 2019, 12:50 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Beta Hardware
sebastian added a project to T720: Management of image sensor calibration files: AXIOM Beta Software.
Feb 6 2019, 12:50 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian added a project to T724: Functional emulation of the AXIOM Beta hardware in QEMU: AXIOM Beta Software.
Feb 6 2019, 12:50 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian triaged T728: Image Sensor Simulation/Emulation as Normal priority.
Feb 6 2019, 12:47 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian raised the priority of T725: Electronic Lens Control from Wishlist to Normal.
Feb 6 2019, 12:46 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian moved T734: Live histogram, waveform, vectorscope from Misc to Software Related on the Google Summer of Code 2022 board.
Feb 6 2019, 12:46 PM · Restricted Project
Bertl updated the task description for T734: Live histogram, waveform, vectorscope.
Feb 6 2019, 12:27 PM · Restricted Project
Bertl updated the task description for T728: Image Sensor Simulation/Emulation.
Feb 6 2019, 10:25 AM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian updated the task description for T725: Electronic Lens Control .
Feb 6 2019, 9:40 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian updated the task description for T725: Electronic Lens Control .
Feb 6 2019, 9:39 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian updated the task description for T725: Electronic Lens Control .
Feb 6 2019, 9:38 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian updated the task description for T725: Electronic Lens Control .
Feb 6 2019, 9:33 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software

Feb 5 2019

BAndiT1983 updated the task description for T721: 4K HDMI output Gearwork Logic.
Feb 5 2019, 10:07 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian changed the edit policy for T734: Live histogram, waveform, vectorscope.
Feb 5 2019, 9:54 AM · Restricted Project
sebastian changed the edit policy for T728: Image Sensor Simulation/Emulation.
Feb 5 2019, 9:52 AM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian changed the edit policy for T721: 4K HDMI output Gearwork Logic.
Feb 5 2019, 9:52 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 updated the task description for T725: Electronic Lens Control .
Feb 5 2019, 8:22 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software

Feb 3 2019

sebastian updated the task description for T734: Live histogram, waveform, vectorscope.
Feb 3 2019, 11:07 AM · Restricted Project

Feb 2 2019

sebastian updated the task description for T728: Image Sensor Simulation/Emulation.
Feb 2 2019, 4:57 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

Feb 1 2019

sebastian triaged T1129: AXIOM Beta Remote Setup: fix olad messing with UART connection as Normal priority.
Feb 1 2019, 1:42 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

Dec 24 2018

Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

made a bigger update.

Dec 24 2018, 7:57 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Dec 22 2018

sebastian closed T733: FPGA real time Focus Peaking as Resolved.
Dec 22 2018, 1:09 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, Google Summer of Code 2022

Dec 19 2018

BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Adjustments to the daemon are done, see comm packet. Also added digital gain and reworked analog gain.

Dec 19 2018, 8:08 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Made today a update:

  • Iconfont is now generated
  • slider in the modal window
Dec 19 2018, 3:06 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Dec 11 2018

BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Just a quick update, tested the daemon with web UI and it works great. Of course current setup is still not finalized and daemon runs as app, so it can be killed directly, but "analog gain" setting works fine (done some test snapshots). Next step will be some adjustments to the comm packet, so we have dedicated command parameter for get/set (a bit like REST), so the part of splitting "set_gain" to check the command will become obsolete and the code easier.

Dec 11 2018, 11:05 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Dec 2 2018

sebastian added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.
In T939#15578, @Francis wrote:

@sebastian i think it doesn't make much sense for me. I don't know the backend so i could only see if the web-remote works.

Dec 2 2018, 1:54 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

@sebastian i think it doesn't make much sense for me. I don't know the backend so i could only see if the web-remote works.

Dec 2 2018, 1:41 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Nov 28 2018

sebastian added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

@Francis do you want a remote Beta account? https://wiki.apertus.org/index.php/AXIOM_Beta_Remote_Access

Nov 28 2018, 10:32 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

I think the code is in a stage where it's good for testing on the Camera. There are surly some functions missing but that can be added when the test gives some results.

Nov 28 2018, 4:45 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Nov 22 2018

sebastian added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.
In T939#15554, @Francis wrote:

small progress can now make a desktop app :-)

Nov 22 2018, 1:34 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

small progress can now make a desktop app :-)

Nov 22 2018, 1:32 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Nov 18 2018

BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Will check it in the next days, have no time as another work travel is on tomorrow.

Nov 18 2018, 6:51 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

@BAndiT1983 made some small updates is it for you now better?

Nov 18 2018, 11:14 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Nov 12 2018

Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

slide control
just checked for slide control and seen some solutions but i need to investigate more into it. what i have done is a autoupdate so you don't need to close the modal window and it should be possible to use the arrow keys for change the values (up/down).

Nov 12 2018, 1:50 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Nov 10 2018

Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

i changed on the end from the IRC Meeting the data.json for your requirements.

Nov 10 2018, 5:27 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Did just few adjustments to web-remote, it communicated almost right away with the WSServer and daemon. Noticed 2 things which should be adjusted:

Nov 10 2018, 2:00 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Nov 1 2018

Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Have seen it, when you compress the src JS/CSS/HTML it's below 30KB (it's even smaller then the react javascript as gzip!). No problem when the time comes we can analyse the best solution. I'm with your idea to optimze the message size as a future task.

Nov 1 2018, 2:32 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Maybe this one is better -> https://github.com/ygoe/msgpack.js also consider gzipped versions, where your 50kb file is only 14kb big.

Nov 1 2018, 1:00 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Thanks for the info! We can see whats possible when everything is getting into shape. The only thing what i don't like is the msgpack lib (50KB) in javascript is 50% of the current JS/CSS/HTML files. (<100KB)

Nov 1 2018, 12:22 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Oct 25 2018

BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Just as a reference for the future: Usually our JSON packets will be very small, but if we consider to sent larger packs in the future, like restoring some user profiles (no point to sent individual settings, if there are a lot of cahnges) or when receiving the response with all available stuff in the camera (which i expect to be rather big), then we could consider to use MessagePack, to reduce the size -> https://msgpack.org

Oct 25 2018, 3:28 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Oct 24 2018

Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Okey thanks i will check that when i have more time.

Oct 24 2018, 10:16 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Have added simple eslint config with settings i'Ve already mentioned before. Don't have any other special preference at the moment.

Oct 24 2018, 7:38 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

the riot.js compiler is not required can be replaced with riot.min.js (~12KB less) i will do that when i have done the new widgets.

Oct 24 2018, 6:52 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Is the riot compiler JS still required? As currently pre-compilation is done by gulp.

Oct 24 2018, 6:05 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Dev VM is planned for UI development in first place, then i hope to move daemon to another repo and also place it there, for comm tests.

Oct 24 2018, 3:33 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

When there is a code style guide that you prefer or has been defined it's no problem to adapt it. I'm new in terms of code development and it's my first real code project i'm happy to get inputs to reach a better result.

Oct 24 2018, 3:29 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Nothing to be sorry about, just normal development cycle. Preparing the VM currently, which will hold the web UI dev environment. It consists of Manjaro (XFCE) and Atom.io mainly. Will try to add some plugins, like eslint, after that we have to do a short discussion about code style, e.g. semicolon yes/no, single ' or double " quotation marks for strings and so on. Have my own preferences, but wanted to talk to majority about it.

Oct 24 2018, 12:08 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

@BAndiT1983 strage bug the precompile for the .tag files didn't see the end correctly i removed emty space's and it works againe. sorry for that.

Oct 24 2018, 12:04 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Please check the code, getting unexpected token "<" in browser.

Oct 24 2018, 11:38 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

made the upload, i will also delete my repo in some days.

Oct 24 2018, 8:14 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Oct 23 2018

sebastian added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/web-remote created

Oct 23 2018, 12:40 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Then a new repo please, with commit rights for us all. You could upload latest version, so Francis can commit his changes over it, then we can inspect the differences. I've adjusted his code a bit, as showcase for Browsersync stuff, but not very much.

Oct 23 2018, 11:40 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
sebastian added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Whatever you prefer.

Oct 23 2018, 11:26 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Should we start separate repo for it, and add as submodule to beta-software one later? This would allow to do things in parallel, like independent CI builds.

Oct 23 2018, 11:24 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
sebastian added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Great to see things flowing so steadily here!
Shall I give you commit access to github so you can more easily commit/collaborate on code?

Oct 23 2018, 10:54 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

i made a update my stuff is still under development but the other part hasn't been changed so gulp should work.
made also all component tag's to a single js file so it looks slowly better in the index.html file and less stuff to load.

Oct 23 2018, 10:28 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Oct 22 2018

BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Here is the version with browsersync support. Lost my websocket adjustments, but there were only few, which is not that tragic.

Oct 22 2018, 9:07 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Nah, not gulp serve, but browsersync. It reloads HTML page on the fly, when it detects changes to HTML or JS files. Also you can stream CSS changes, without reloading the page, which saves time. Also you can adjust it to compile and then reload on changes to Tag files, as an example. Really nice stuff, using it when i can for web development, latest one was development of a Drupal theme, done with this live preview. See pcb-aoi apertus repo on Github for an example.

Oct 22 2018, 6:35 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Sound's good and take it easy 😉...
For the UI my view was to have for each data type a own widget and the module maker defines the widget for his module.

Oct 22 2018, 4:26 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Adjusted UI code a bit, so it would send correct message on reload, to get available params. Also adjusted websocket server processing, so the response will come back with real data from daemon. Will try to do final tests today, before uploading it.

Oct 22 2018, 4:36 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Oct 21 2018

BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

We can for sure embed it in a JSON file on the camera and send it together with other stuff back. Will resume to inspect your code in a moment, as i want to get exactly this part of comms done, before proceeding with adding parameters.

Oct 21 2018, 5:47 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

My target is to use indexedDB from the browser to store the data. There shouldn't be a big task to go over daemon (it takes maybe 20-40 LOC to make it happen) .

Oct 21 2018, 5:27 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Oct 20 2018

BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

No problem, adjust it to your liking, just assisting with some infrastructure. Websocket has connected, after my adjustments, see the code, but haven't got much further, as it expects the JSON database. Will try to adjust it, so it actually tries to retrieve it from websocket server, as i'm not sure, if we should maintain separate JSON config file or not. Current plan is to provide it dynamically by daemon, on request.

Oct 20 2018, 4:43 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

@BAndiT1983 thank you! i didn't invest a lot in gulp yet but it looks very simple. thanks

Oct 20 2018, 7:04 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Oct 19 2018

BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Improved a bit and fixed small problems, also added build.sh.

Oct 19 2018, 9:36 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
sebastian added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

please commit/upload!

Oct 19 2018, 9:21 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

My proposal for GULP adjustments, started to implement, as i wasn't sure how to debug riot.js without precompiling:

Oct 19 2018, 9:17 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Oct 16 2018

sebastian added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

I agree that its important to familiarize yourself with the technology but still we cannot punish users who didn't.

Oct 16 2018, 10:37 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

@sebastian the others don't know that is important to test and understand the equipment. (could tell storys about that! a good hint this was a reason why i support apertus! we lost nearly customer data because we haven't test the memory cards before shooting)

Oct 16 2018, 10:33 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
sebastian added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

i'm sure most user will test first there setup at a location that has internet.

Oct 16 2018, 10:09 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

@sebastian it only needs internet connection when you load the site after that it can work offline. i'm sure most user will test first there setup at a location that has internet.
PWA requirement is a http server (can be a very simple one) and a modern Web Browser the decision if it's in the firmware / internet or where ever is at the moment not relevant and can be solved on a later stage when the server is working.

Oct 16 2018, 7:14 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Oct 15 2018

sebastian added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

We don't know if camera users will have internet connectivity where they are shooting so serving from apertus.org is not a good idea.
Whats the problem with having a http server on the camera? Its already prepackaged and available. Updates to the WebRemote can be done with the camera firmware.

Oct 15 2018, 5:50 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Oct 14 2018

Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

@BAndiT1983 for to make a PWA it looks like it requires a http server the reason is the PWA / Service Worker checks if there is a update or not from the server.

Oct 14 2018, 11:33 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

@Francis: Do you need some assistance for the setup? I'm usually using gulp, but grunt also shouldn't be a problem.

Oct 14 2018, 9:13 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Have hoped to do it without a server, as it should be self-contained later. The plan, which was created by another user (Task T937), is to send the whole app package to the client (e.g. smartphone) on first call. This would allow to avoid the need for a web server on the camera and spare resources.

Oct 14 2018, 9:05 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

@BAndiT1983 yes there some stuff that i didn't optimzed yet like the icons, for that i need to make a setup.

Oct 14 2018, 7:18 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Oct 13 2018

BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

@Francis: Tried to execute your app, but the problem is, that it relies on some stuff, which throws cross-domain errors and refuses to work. Also the font shouldn't be loaded from internet, but from a sub-folder.

Oct 13 2018, 8:20 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Oct 10 2018

BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Thanks, will check it, but also try to connect your app to the real websocket server from the daemon project.

Oct 10 2018, 9:53 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

@BAndiT1983 there is a simple setup where you can sent some strings to the websocket server on https://github.com/Mandrake0/Apertus_Demo_Server for the testing.

Oct 10 2018, 9:04 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Oct 7 2018

BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

@Francis: Have committed adjusted daemon version, haven't tested websocket server yet, but will try to do so using your code. At least to see, if responses are coming back to it.
@sebastian: Will try to add some parameters from your list, as example.

Oct 7 2018, 10:44 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Oct 1 2018

BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Current plan is, to get things up and running sooner, to use manual string conversion (docs will follow), as we use JSON and flatbuffers. Later it can be extended. Another point is, where i'm not sure about, but will follow for now: to set and get things, the parameters should be prepend with "set_" or "get_", e.g. "set_gain" and daemon selects correct handler method. Other approach to this, would be a path of REST, where the command is set explicitly, e.g. for JSON: command: "set", parameter: "gain".

Oct 1 2018, 8:52 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Sep 30 2018

sebastian added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

I started a google doc so we can collect actual/abstracted potential parameters and possible values/ranges:

Sep 30 2018, 6:49 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

sounds perfect :-)
take your time....

Sep 30 2018, 6:07 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

No problem, trying to help when i can, so we get simpler camera control soon, as many people are afraid of terminal usage, which can be confusing sometimes.

Sep 30 2018, 2:21 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

thank you for the information.

Sep 30 2018, 1:06 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

hi, daemon is being adjusted currently, so it responses correctly to the frontend. Following list should cover your questions:

Sep 30 2018, 12:14 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

hey all,

Sep 30 2018, 11:58 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Sep 14 2018

Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

made a small update: https://vimeo.com/289786668

Sep 14 2018, 2:12 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Sep 12 2018

Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

at the moment the ID is just a unique value (example: "_id": "id_08" ) it could be made with a hash value it doesn't matter for the interface.

Sep 12 2018, 1:37 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Which IDs are involved? Can we generate them as hashes, automatically?

Sep 12 2018, 1:01 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

@BAndiT1983 it should be possible to do that just the ID must be unique over all files.

Sep 12 2018, 11:22 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
sebastian added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Hi Francis

Sep 12 2018, 10:14 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Just out of curiosity: Won't this file be too cluttered after defining multiple pages and related controls? Could we use multiple files, like one per dialog/menu, in that case?

Sep 12 2018, 9:54 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
Francis added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

hey everybody,

Sep 12 2018, 12:18 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Aug 29 2018

sebastian added a comment to T920: Control GUI Toggle Element.

Note that the AXIOM Remote and the web based control GUI (for smartphones, etc.) are two completely independent projects.

Aug 29 2018, 10:09 AM · AXIOM Beta Software