Pixel Remapper
Open, NormalPublic


To apply for this task please complete this mandatory coding challenge together with your application: T871
Applications without matching coding challenge completed will not be considered.

Read our Google Summer of Code Overview page:

Sensor data comes in various configurations and does not always match the desired memory order.
The de-serialized data needs to be rearranged and repacked on the fly to provide a compact stream for the memory writers.


  • Implement remapping strategies for known sensors (CMV12000)
  • Optimize for low gate count and high throughput
  • Simulate/Test the re-mapper with test-streams


  • Dual Memory know how

Language Skills:

  • HDL (VHDL, Verilog, nMigen)

Useful Links:

Difficulty: Medium

Mentors: Bertl

To get in touch with any mentor check the Mentor Contact List.

Notes: If you do not have access to the required hardware platforms/dev kits, we will provide them (or remote access) to you for the duration of the project.

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