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Feb 6 2018

sebastian created T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.
Feb 6 2018, 7:12 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

Feb 3 2018

sebastian closed T920: Control GUI Toggle Element as Resolved.

Many thanks!

Feb 3 2018, 12:59 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

Feb 2 2018

sebastian added a comment to T920: Control GUI Toggle Element.

Great idea!

Feb 2 2018, 10:40 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T920: Control GUI Toggle Element.

Very good idea, thought about checkbox styling for that, also because of states, but haven't thought about searching for examples.

Feb 2 2018, 9:57 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn added a comment to T920: Control GUI Toggle Element.

what about checkboxes? they can be styled with css, so they look like toggle switches: https://codepen.io/mburnette/pen/LxNxNg

Feb 2 2018, 9:20 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
RexOr updated subscribers of T920: Control GUI Toggle Element.
Feb 2 2018, 6:00 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian created T920: Control GUI Toggle Element.
Feb 2 2018, 4:31 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

Jan 24 2018

neelalohitha updated subscribers of T728: Image Sensor Simulation/Emulation.
Jan 24 2018, 10:09 AM · AXIOM Beta Software
neelalohitha updated subscribers of T721: 4K HDMI output Gearwork Logic.
Jan 24 2018, 10:08 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software

Jan 23 2018

Bertl changed the edit policy for T733: FPGA real time Focus Peaking.
Jan 23 2018, 1:07 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, Google Summer of Code 2022
Bertl changed the edit policy for T728: Image Sensor Simulation/Emulation.
Jan 23 2018, 1:06 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
Bertl renamed T721: 4K HDMI output Gearwork Logic from 4K HDMI output HDL Gearwork Logic to 4K HDMI output Gearwork Logic.
Jan 23 2018, 1:06 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software
Bertl updated the task description for T734: Live histogram, waveform, vectorscope.
Jan 23 2018, 1:01 PM · Restricted Project
Bertl updated the task description for T725: Electronic Lens Control .
Jan 23 2018, 12:59 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software
Bertl updated the task description for T728: Image Sensor Simulation/Emulation.
Jan 23 2018, 12:42 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
Bertl renamed T721: 4K HDMI output Gearwork Logic from 4K HDMI output HDL Gearwork Logic / IP Core to 4K HDMI output HDL Gearwork Logic.
Jan 23 2018, 12:35 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software
Bertl updated the task description for T721: 4K HDMI output Gearwork Logic.
Jan 23 2018, 12:34 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software
Bertl moved T733: FPGA real time Focus Peaking from Qualification Tasks to FPGA / HDL on the Google Summer of Code 2022 board.
Jan 23 2018, 12:18 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, Google Summer of Code 2022
Bertl renamed T733: FPGA real time Focus Peaking from FPGA real time Sobel Filter to FPGA real time Focus Peaking.
Jan 23 2018, 12:18 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, Google Summer of Code 2022

Jan 21 2018

sebastian moved T733: FPGA real time Focus Peaking from FPGA / HDL to Qualification Tasks on the Google Summer of Code 2022 board.
Jan 21 2018, 9:28 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, Google Summer of Code 2022
sebastian moved T725: Electronic Lens Control from Misc to Misc on the Google Summer of Code 2022 board.
Jan 21 2018, 9:27 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian moved T734: Live histogram, waveform, vectorscope from Misc to Misc on the Google Summer of Code 2022 board.
Jan 21 2018, 9:27 PM · Restricted Project
sebastian moved T725: Electronic Lens Control from Misc to Misc on the Google Summer of Code 2022 board.
Jan 21 2018, 9:26 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian moved T734: Live histogram, waveform, vectorscope from Misc to Misc on the Google Summer of Code 2022 board.
Jan 21 2018, 9:26 PM · Restricted Project
sebastian removed a project from T865: REST Interface description: Google Summer of Code 2022.
Jan 21 2018, 2:40 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian removed a project from T822: Create install script for daemon and REST server: Google Summer of Code 2022.
Jan 21 2018, 2:40 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian removed a project from T723: AXIOM Beta REST Interface: Google Summer of Code 2022.
Jan 21 2018, 2:40 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
tejaram15 moved T865: REST Interface description from Open Cine to Misc on the Google Summer of Code 2022 board.
Jan 21 2018, 2:23 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
tejaram15 moved T865: REST Interface description from Misc to Open Cine on the Google Summer of Code 2022 board.
Jan 21 2018, 2:23 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

Jan 20 2018

sebastian updated the task description for T734: Live histogram, waveform, vectorscope.
Jan 20 2018, 8:16 AM · Restricted Project
sebastian removed a project from T726: Automate in-camera dark calibration: Google Summer of Code 2022.
Jan 20 2018, 8:14 AM · AXIOM Beta Software

Jan 19 2018

sebastian placed T734: Live histogram, waveform, vectorscope up for grabs.
Jan 19 2018, 9:07 PM · Restricted Project

Jan 15 2018

BAndiT1983 added a comment to T822: Create install script for daemon and REST server.

Install script is already in repo. One for RESTServer will follow at some point.

Jan 15 2018, 9:25 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 closed T866: Move message processing from RESTServer to MessageHandler as Resolved.

Moved related parts of code and started adding unit tests.

Jan 15 2018, 9:24 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, Google Summer of Code 2022
BAndiT1983 closed T866: Move message processing from RESTServer to MessageHandler, a subtask of T723: AXIOM Beta REST Interface, as Resolved.
Jan 15 2018, 9:24 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 closed T825: CMake: Copy daemon description files to build folder as Resolved.

Added install_daemon.sh script.

Jan 15 2018, 9:23 PM · Google Summer of Code 2022, AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 closed T825: CMake: Copy daemon description files to build folder, a subtask of T822: Create install script for daemon and REST server, as Resolved.
Jan 15 2018, 9:23 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

Jan 6 2018

BAndiT1983 closed T867: Add Main.cpp to RESTServer to reduce confusion, a subtask of T723: AXIOM Beta REST Interface, as Resolved.
Jan 6 2018, 2:46 AM · AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 closed T867: Add Main.cpp to RESTServer to reduce confusion as Resolved.

Added Main.cpp, adjusted RESTServer code accordingly.

Jan 6 2018, 2:46 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, Google Summer of Code 2022
BAndiT1983 moved T867: Add Main.cpp to RESTServer to reduce confusion from Backlog to Control daemon on the AXIOM Beta Software board.
Jan 6 2018, 2:08 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, Google Summer of Code 2022
BAndiT1983 created T867: Add Main.cpp to RESTServer to reduce confusion.
Jan 6 2018, 2:08 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, Google Summer of Code 2022
BAndiT1983 moved T865: REST Interface description from Backlog to Control daemon on the AXIOM Beta Software board.
Jan 6 2018, 2:06 AM · AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 moved T866: Move message processing from RESTServer to MessageHandler from Backlog to Control daemon on the AXIOM Beta Software board.
Jan 6 2018, 2:06 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, Google Summer of Code 2022
BAndiT1983 created T866: Move message processing from RESTServer to MessageHandler.
Jan 6 2018, 12:32 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, Google Summer of Code 2022

Jan 5 2018

BAndiT1983 updated the task description for T865: REST Interface description.
Jan 5 2018, 11:20 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 created T865: REST Interface description.
Jan 5 2018, 11:20 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

Dec 8 2017

anuejn closed T832: build d5dc92d test report as Resolved.
Dec 8 2017, 7:22 AM · AXIOM Beta Software

Nov 19 2017

sebastian added a comment to T832: build d5dc92d test report.

herbert confirmed these are the latest versions:

Nov 19 2017, 12:05 AM · AXIOM Beta Software

Nov 18 2017

sebastian updated subscribers of T832: build d5dc92d test report.

Did you run it with root privileges?

Nov 18 2017, 11:58 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn created T833: Networking Helper.
Nov 18 2017, 10:18 PM · Brainstorming, AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn added a comment to T832: build d5dc92d test report.

Error at line 79, file devmem2.c (13) [Permission denied]

Nov 18 2017, 10:09 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian updated the task description for T832: build d5dc92d test report.
Nov 18 2017, 3:40 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian created T832: build d5dc92d test report.
Nov 18 2017, 3:33 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

Nov 17 2017

anuejn moved T737: QEMU emulation from In Progress to Build related on the AXIOM Beta Software board.
Nov 17 2017, 2:06 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

Nov 15 2017

RexOr updated subscribers of T829: Factory Calibration.
Nov 15 2017, 5:30 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
RexOr updated subscribers of T829: Factory Calibration.
Nov 15 2017, 5:30 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
RexOr updated the task description for T829: Factory Calibration.
Nov 15 2017, 12:16 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
RexOr updated the task description for T829: Factory Calibration.
Nov 15 2017, 12:15 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
RexOr created T829: Factory Calibration.
Nov 15 2017, 11:56 AM · AXIOM Beta Software

Nov 14 2017

davidak added a comment to T828: automated rcn calibration script suggestions.
  1. then the camera is shipped with a bunch of random crap on it. the end result should be just the calibration files.
Nov 14 2017, 9:48 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian added a comment to T828: automated rcn calibration script suggestions.
  1. lets do it one step at a time
Nov 14 2017, 9:16 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
davidak added a comment to T828: automated rcn calibration script suggestions.
  1. i suggest calling it factory_calibration.sh (or similar) as i intended it to do all calibrations needed before the camera get's shipped to the customer
Nov 14 2017, 8:52 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian created T828: automated rcn calibration script suggestions.
Nov 14 2017, 5:54 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

Nov 13 2017

sebastian added a comment to T824: should we have a single git repository for every (compiled) tool?.

Those are valid points indeed.

Nov 13 2017, 11:11 AM · AXIOM Beta Software

Nov 11 2017

davidak added a comment to T824: should we have a single git repository for every (compiled) tool?.
  • a program is easier to find on github
  • commit messages and issues are related to the one program
  • we can configure a CI (like Travis/Gitlab CI) to test, build and package the program, needs a YAML file per repo (there you select one language and get the build tools)
  • you can use git tags to tag releases
  • it's easier to use git bisect to debug in which commit a bug was introduced
Nov 11 2017, 9:35 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

Nov 10 2017

sebastian added a comment to T824: should we have a single git repository for every (compiled) tool?.

What would be the advantage compared to how we have it currently (multiple applications in one repo)?

Nov 10 2017, 10:51 AM · AXIOM Beta Software

Nov 5 2017

anuejn moved T723: AXIOM Beta REST Interface from Backlog to Control daemon on the AXIOM Beta Software board.
Nov 5 2017, 10:11 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn closed T258: Create an API as Resolved.

Closed in favour of T757. If this is wrong, just reopen this task.

Nov 5 2017, 10:10 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian added a comment to T757: Control Deamon.

fine for me as well

Nov 5 2017, 10:04 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn added a comment to T757: Control Deamon.

reference and close?

Nov 5 2017, 9:59 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian added a comment to T757: Control Deamon.

merge in or move to subtask?

Nov 5 2017, 9:57 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn added a comment to T757: Control Deamon.

So close the other two tasks?

Nov 5 2017, 9:53 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian added a comment to T757: Control Deamon.

Should the control daemon replace T258 and T723?

Nov 5 2017, 9:51 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn added a comment to T757: Control Deamon.

Should the control daemon replace T258 and T723?

Nov 5 2017, 9:49 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn moved T37: Get the image working for the MicroZed (7010 and 7020). from Backlog to Build related on the AXIOM Beta Software board.
Nov 5 2017, 9:45 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn moved T35: Apertus Boot Diagram from Backlog to Build related on the AXIOM Beta Software board.
Nov 5 2017, 9:45 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn moved T36: The Xilinx bootstrap should be screencaptured from Backlog to Build related on the AXIOM Beta Software board.
Nov 5 2017, 9:45 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn moved T597: create build environment container from Backlog to Build related on the AXIOM Beta Software board.
Nov 5 2017, 9:44 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian added a comment to T37: Get the image working for the MicroZed (7010 and 7020)..

I think so.

Nov 5 2017, 9:44 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn moved T697: create firmware image creation script from Backlog to Build related on the AXIOM Beta Software board.
Nov 5 2017, 9:44 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn moved T738: Supply VM for development from Backlog to Build related on the AXIOM Beta Software board.
Nov 5 2017, 9:44 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian moved T825: CMake: Copy daemon description files to build folder from Backlog to Control daemon on the AXIOM Beta Software board.
Nov 5 2017, 9:43 PM · Google Summer of Code 2022, AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian moved T822: Create install script for daemon and REST server from Backlog to Control daemon on the AXIOM Beta Software board.
Nov 5 2017, 9:43 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn moved T758: C library for Control Daemon from Backlog to Control daemon on the AXIOM Beta Software board.
Nov 5 2017, 9:41 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn moved T757: Control Deamon from Backlog to Control daemon on the AXIOM Beta Software board.
Nov 5 2017, 9:41 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn moved T762: Control daemon: usage cases from Backlog to Control daemon on the AXIOM Beta Software board.
Nov 5 2017, 9:40 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn added a comment to T37: Get the image working for the MicroZed (7010 and 7020)..

Can this be closed?

Nov 5 2017, 9:38 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn added a comment to T597: create build environment container.

I think a ubuntu docker container with the required tools installed would be simple to create (this is the current solution for the ci-builds). However, I think, that distributing xilinx tools implys some licensing and export-control related issues. The simplest way to deal with them would be to just ignore those or make the container somehow protected.

Nov 5 2017, 9:35 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn closed T690: move binaries to /usr/bin ? as Resolved.

When T697 is finished

Nov 5 2017, 9:30 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn added a comment to T690: move binaries to /usr/bin ?.

The original task is done. The mentioned binaries are linked to /user/local/bin as axiom-* by make install

Nov 5 2017, 9:29 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

Nov 4 2017

chooksprod added a comment to T212: Accelerometer recorded to metadata for stabilizing / tracking in post..

Hi everybody,
I asked to steadxp if they can say to us which component they use. No answer yet but i will tell you if i have one !

Nov 4 2017, 6:12 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Beta Hardware
sebastian added a comment to T212: Accelerometer recorded to metadata for stabilizing / tracking in post..

https://www.xsens.com/products/mti-1-series/ for 260€ plus VAT

Nov 4 2017, 5:59 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Beta Hardware

Nov 3 2017

sebastian added a comment to T697: create firmware image creation script.


Nov 3 2017, 2:50 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn added a comment to T697: create firmware image creation script.

@sebastian could you please remove the URL, as it shouldnt be public ;)

Nov 3 2017, 2:47 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian added a comment to T697: create firmware image creation script.

This is the current push URL of the github webhook:

Nov 3 2017, 10:23 AM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian added a comment to T697: create firmware image creation script.

Wow, that's great progress you made here!

Nov 3 2017, 10:13 AM · AXIOM Beta Software

Nov 2 2017

anuejn added a comment to T697: create firmware image creation script.

Yes! Just now i created this (https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/beta-software/pull/7) pull Request. If you want to bring the work on this forwards, you could test this (https://gitlab.com/nein/beta-software/-/jobs/38788789/artifacts/download) image and report your findings. edit: bertl is already doing this.

Nov 2 2017, 9:52 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 created T825: CMake: Copy daemon description files to build folder.
Nov 2 2017, 4:44 PM · Google Summer of Code 2022, AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T824: should we have a single git repository for every (compiled) tool?.

In my opinion, no. This would just multiply number of repos, which increases difficulty of maintenance afterwards.

Nov 2 2017, 4:21 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
davidak added a project to T824: should we have a single git repository for every (compiled) tool?: AXIOM Beta Software.
Nov 2 2017, 12:37 AM · AXIOM Beta Software