REST Interface description
Open, NormalPublic


Used REST commands: GET, POST

POST is used instead of PUT to avoid special handling of CORS(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing).


type"ImageSensor"Still needs evaluation, maybe also shorter names or integer markers
mode"write"Possibly not required if GET/POST are used
message"OK"Could be used for status messages, like "OK" if value was set or "FAILED" if something gone wrong, not required when building package for sending

Package example (send)

  "id" : "gain",
  "value"" : 2,
  "type"" : "ImageSensor",
  "message" : ""
BAndiT1983 updated the task description. (Show Details)
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BAndiT1983 updated the task description. (Show Details)
BAndiT1983 added subscribers: flesk, RexOr, Angel and 5 others.
tejaram15 moved this task from Open Cine to Misc on the Google Summer of Code 2022 board.