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- User Since
- Oct 24 2014, 12:34 PM (527 w, 5 d)
- Availability
- Available
May 11 2017
Sony F55 (also F65, FS5/7 i think)
Wow, i just discovered this. Idk if it is still relevant but here we go:
Oct 15 2015
+1 for dokuwiki
Sep 17 2015
I made a gallery out of em. Don't know how to make them links now...
Sep 11 2015
Not happy with it, but there you go :D
Sep 8 2015
:D great!
Sebastian just showed me
-> Q&A based messaging. Maybe not the thing you were looking for, but also not the worst alternative to a forum.
Sep 4 2015
Yea, phabricator is not the best in keeping me up to date. If i wouldn't get email notifications i would have no clue what is going on.
Sep 3 2015
Aug 31 2015
Gibt es eine Angabe irgendwo im Zusammenhang mit EAGLE wo man die Dimensionen in mm von den Komponenten auslesen kann? In den pick & place Listen hat man das ja nicht...
Aug 11 2015
I don't understand Phabricator perfectly either. We can make a "central map", but I don't think that is what Christoph wanted :D
Aug 6 2015
Then lets make a list of hardware that possibly can be reused for the Gamma. We definitely should make an ELI5 video explaining everything there is to know about the iteration between Beta & Gamma.
Jul 27 2015
I guess with the whole redesign this task is obsolete now.
done & released:
Jul 24 2015
So, currently the frontpage consists of following elements:
- the top menubar
- slider pics
- short introductory text
- overview of the three AXIOMs
- Latest News
- Latest Blog Posts
- Latest Articles
- another apertus° logo
- Latest News AGAIN
- Searchbar
- Featured apertus° projects
- Donation Button
- Social media stuff
- apertus° newsletter
- Sponsors & Benfactors
- Twitter shoutbox
- Language selection
Jul 23 2015
Allright, let's leave it like that for now.
Jul 22 2015
Is it hard to synchronize user accounts between two different backends?
I agree with Simon on the separation of the store and just camera details. The product page should be just a showroom for the AXIOMs, as in a introduction to new visitors, interested people and such.
Well how much is a SSL certificate?
yes? no? maybe?
Jul 14 2015
added it to the wiki page
I think the whole website is too crowded. I've heard from several external people they have no clue how to navigate the website.
Jul 3 2015
Shall we close this since the website is rebuilt?
Jun 30 2015
How can we do it with the "Videos" and "Latest News" pages within the AXIOM Alpha pages, is there a way to throw in the menu there as well?
Jun 29 2015
Will do tomorrow!
I fixed the remaining changes within the text, now it just awaits publication :)
Currently the two menus are broken on mobile:
I definitely agree, it is indeed obsolete. I think people are used to click on the logo to get back to the frontpage.
I was thinking we put it like this:
Still waiting for final version of the text! Is it done?
Jun 27 2015
Cool, deleted the scaling and padding within the image, it's all good now.
Jun 26 2015
Pls review. Had to scale it a little since the svg has an inner margin.
Jun 25 2015
I agree. It seems redundant to me.
Article is not filled yet, I wait till all corrections are done.
Jun 23 2015
Jun 19 2015
How do you get to /links from the frontpage? I don't think it is needed. I agree with removing it! Our goal should be to make the whole site as simple as possible anyways :)
like that? Nils, what do you think?
Jun 18 2015
Yeah, it needs to be scalable with the page. On mobile it just breaks.
Jun 17 2015
Also possible without boarders, might look better. Open to arrow suggestions :)
Jun 9 2015
finished with content & pics
Jun 8 2015
Article done & published:
May 26 2015
May 22 2015
All of the pages need to be reworked from scratch anyways, I wouldn't go into detail right now. Those errors seem to have been there since 04/28/2014 anyways ;)
May 20 2015
Will do! But I'm pretty swamped atm, Will start tomorrow in the morning!
May 13 2015
I got time, but i don't know if i have the know-how ;)
Are there already plans for a webshop of some kind for when we sell cameras one day?
Apr 30 2015
Apr 27 2015
Apr 26 2015
Apr 24 2015
Didn't seem to matter on the poster, but i reordered them now. Pls check the new folder. In alphabetical order, 870px wide in total, adjusted weight.
The one i ordered them as well in the latest folder. I figured we keep it consistent ;)
Spacing is off unfortunately, I uploaded a folder to /private/Logos/web_pngs/adj_spacing/ with individual spacings between the logos. But it only works in the suggested ranking.
Updated the FTP directory.
Now on /private/Logos/PartnersLogoBanner.png