restructure main website
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As the main website should focus more and more on the AXIOM cameras and we need a dedicated page/area for the EU project here is a list of suggestions/proposals:

  • remove frontpage slider image explaining the differences between Alpha/Beta/Gamma (this is also a useability issue as people click on it and get directed to a page that looks exactly like the image -> very confusing)
  • Add a frontpage slider image with the lastest AXIOM Gamma render (as used on kickoff poster)
  • edit "home" page content (remove outdated AXIOM concept and edit text to incorporate the Alpha/Beta/Gamma feature comparison table)
  • remove Camera tab in top menu
  • Add "AXIOM Alpha" tab in top menu with dropdown menu (with Image of Alpha) points: Overview, Tech Specs, Image Sensor
  • Add "AXIOM Beta" tab in top menu with dropdown menu (with Image of Beta) points: Overview, Latest News, Tech Specs, Image Sensors, Roadmap
  • Add "AXIOM Gamma" tab in top menu with dropdown menu (with Image of Gamma) points: Overview, Latest News, Tech Specs, Modularity, Partners

Thoughts? Questions?

sebastian updated the task description. (Show Details)
sebastian raised the priority of this task from to Normal.
sebastian claimed this task.
sebastian added a project: Restricted Project.
sebastian moved this task to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.
sebastian added subscribers: sebastian, getzi, nils, philippej.
sebastian updated the task description. (Show Details)May 11 2015, 2:30 PM

Are there already plans for a webshop of some kind for when we sell cameras one day?

yes, its currently already half implemented and requires customization/tweaking and ironing out small problems.

Would you have time to work on the webshop?

I got time, but i don't know if i have the know-how ;)

But I can see what i can do, if you point me in the right direction!

great, I ll give you a rundown on Monday.

Since there is no feedback I guess its OK to start on the implementation.

Getzi do you feel comfortable to create the new subpages (uncheck the "publish" checkbox)?
I would suggest we first create all the new pages and fill them with content before we adapt the menu.

sebastian reassigned this task from sebastian to getzi.May 20 2015, 9:49 AM
getzi added a comment.May 20 2015, 9:59 AM

Will do! But I'm pretty swamped atm, Will start tomorrow in the morning!

"Latest News -> this is a view we will create later on"

its not a page, its a drupal "view"

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getzi added a comment.EditedMay 22 2015, 6:03 PM

All of the pages need to be reworked from scratch anyways, I wouldn't go into detail right now. Those errors seem to have been there since 04/28/2014 anyways ;)

And Active Canon EF Mount was a stretchgoal during the crowdfunding campaign.

removed new alpha image sensors page, lets use the ones we currently have for that. ->

filled with some preliminary information

menu adapted to show all new pages.

If you find any link that still leads to the old pages or anything else that needs to be updated or fixed let me know.

Max can you create the two background images with the semi transparent Beta and Gamma for the dropdown menus.

getzi added a comment.Jun 29 2015, 9:57 AM


I was thinking we put it like this:

getzi added a comment.Jul 3 2015, 11:03 AM

Shall we close this since the website is rebuilt?

sebastian closed this task as Resolved.Jul 3 2015, 7:49 PM

I review the task and think we solved and completed everything.