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Aug 29 2018

RexOr added a comment to T920: Control GUI Toggle Element.

This was forwarded in IRC:

Aug 29 2018, 10:00 AM · AXIOM Beta Software

Jul 5 2018

vup added a comment to T1091: Evaluate automatic firmware builds and report missing/broken things on lab.

The git commit hash and the date of the last update of the software (beta-sofware repo) is already displayd at login through /etc/motd. This can be different from the creation commit / date of the firmware, but these can be easily added as well. The standard disclaimer can also be added in the same place.

Jul 5 2018, 10:29 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian updated subscribers of T1091: Evaluate automatic firmware builds and report missing/broken things on lab.
Jul 5 2018, 6:10 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian updated subscribers of T1091: Evaluate automatic firmware builds and report missing/broken things on lab.
Jul 5 2018, 5:51 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T658: dynamic HDMI overlay text framework.

Possible framework, as replacement for ImageMagick: http://www.graphicsmagick.org

Jul 5 2018, 4:41 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian added a comment to T1091: Evaluate automatic firmware builds and report missing/broken things on lab.

more points for the checklist:

Jul 5 2018, 9:16 AM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian added a comment to T1091: Evaluate automatic firmware builds and report missing/broken things on lab.

Note the comments by one of the authors of the new automatic build system today:

Jul 5 2018, 8:54 AM · AXIOM Beta Software

Jul 4 2018

sebastian updated subscribers of T1091: Evaluate automatic firmware builds and report missing/broken things on lab.
Jul 4 2018, 7:38 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian triaged T1091: Evaluate automatic firmware builds and report missing/broken things on lab as Normal priority.
Jul 4 2018, 7:35 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian placed T658: dynamic HDMI overlay text framework up for grabs.

task up for grabs again.

Jul 4 2018, 7:28 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

Jun 25 2018

sebastian closed T76: Create Online Dictator Menu Simulator as Resolved.
Jun 25 2018, 4:45 PM · AXIOM Remote, AXIOM Beta Software

May 22 2018

BAndiT1983 updated subscribers of T762: Control daemon: usage cases.
May 22 2018, 6:31 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

May 18 2018

BAndiT1983 closed T822: Create install script for daemon and REST server as Resolved.

Done. RESTServer part of the task is obsolete.

May 18 2018, 7:51 AM · AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 closed T822: Create install script for daemon and REST server, a subtask of T723: AXIOM Beta REST Interface, as Resolved.
May 18 2018, 7:51 AM · AXIOM Beta Software

Apr 11 2018

sebastian added a comment to T934: OpenCV.js based automated inspection of PCBs.

Looks good, I just added the https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/pcb-aoi repo to phabricator

Apr 11 2018, 3:19 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

Apr 10 2018

BAndiT1983 added a comment to T934: OpenCV.js based automated inspection of PCBs.

Finally restored the page again, not pretty, but fiducial search is working and the image is unwarped.

Apr 10 2018, 10:51 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

Apr 9 2018

rahulvyas added a comment to T733: FPGA real time Focus Peaking.

This link is open for all

Apr 9 2018, 5:33 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, Google Summer of Code 2022
rahulvyas added a comment to T733: FPGA real time Focus Peaking.


Apr 9 2018, 5:32 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, Google Summer of Code 2022
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T733: FPGA real time Focus Peaking.

Cannot open it without logging in or subscription.

Apr 9 2018, 5:31 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, Google Summer of Code 2022
rahulvyas added a comment to T733: FPGA real time Focus Peaking.

This is the paper that demosaics/ interpolates the pixel as well as preserve the edge information.:

Apr 9 2018, 4:33 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, Google Summer of Code 2022

Apr 4 2018

RexOr updated the task description for T987: Try running TensorFlow DeepLab-v3+ inside AXIOM Beta.
Apr 4 2018, 4:49 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
Menxudo added a comment to T987: Try running TensorFlow DeepLab-v3+ inside AXIOM Beta.

These seems super interesting, I see it as a potential tool to help tweaking the color science of the camera.

Apr 4 2018, 12:11 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

Mar 30 2018

sebastian created T987: Try running TensorFlow DeepLab-v3+ inside AXIOM Beta.
Mar 30 2018, 7:17 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

Mar 17 2018

sebastian updated the task description for T728: Image Sensor Simulation/Emulation.
Mar 17 2018, 6:42 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian updated the task description for T728: Image Sensor Simulation/Emulation.
Mar 17 2018, 6:41 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

Mar 14 2018

nothingismagick added a comment to T937: REST service and consumer proposal.

perhaps we should change the title of this thread - or move it to "websockets" REST doesn't seem to make sense anymore...

Mar 14 2018, 10:41 AM · AXIOM Remote, AXIOM Beta Software

Mar 12 2018

nothingismagick added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

I am not worried about the display of these values in realtime using a Vue value store (modified by websocket information). I think we could get to 30fps with less than 100ms latency - if the hist3 can pump the info out that fast - and still manage the wifi and the websockets...

Mar 12 2018, 11:00 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

I would also suggest we try decimating the histogram number of samples and bitdepth drastically and try sending multiple measurements per second, after all as filmmaker you are not interested in details of the spikes, rather see a general value distribution and how it changes when opening or closing a lens aperture for example. I guess test gpu acceleration on smartphones for drawing these could be worth a try.

Mar 12 2018, 10:29 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

Ok - I see. Then the interface will also need to show a folder list (with preview / editing options and perhaps metadata viewer - respective to data type.) Do you also expect / hope to send whitelisted commands via some kind of mock-shell?

Mar 12 2018, 8:38 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

Wow - I didn't know that that was one of the deliverables.

It isn't currently (well the camera can capture pictures of course - but not serve them over http yet) but could be useful in the future.

Mar 12 2018, 8:14 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

Wow - I didn't know that that was one of the deliverables. What do you mean by "etc."? Yes, we can serve from any folder. We would need to investigate the possibility of sym-linking a "DCIM" type of folder, but there isn't any real reason why it shouldn't work.

Mar 12 2018, 8:02 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

Can we also easily serve files (like images, etc.) from the camera internal linux user space to clients without lighttp (for photography like applications)? If yes then I guess we could consider getting rid of lighttp.

Mar 12 2018, 7:55 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

As far as security is concerned, you are probably right sending and receiving flatbuffers. We don’t want DAEMON to unexpectedly crash.

Mar 12 2018, 1:24 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

Here is how we could even serve http with libwebsockets, which would help to do the automatic upgrade to ws:// - it is public domain licensed.

Mar 12 2018, 1:23 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

Don't you think there is a bigger security problem when allowing to run websockets permanently in daemon? Also that was a reason for separation of daemon and server. Daemon should just have slim layer, like flatbuffers, for communication. This would also allow different types of servers communicate to the daemon, without opening security holes.

Mar 12 2018, 9:33 AM · AXIOM Beta Software

Mar 11 2018

nothingismagick added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

There will be minimum three connections with the client device, perhaps four.

Mar 11 2018, 8:50 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

we could also have multiple clients... ie. one webremote and one cli (in case we are merging the server and the controldaemon).

Mar 11 2018, 8:24 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T937: REST service and consumer proposal.

So I have "implemented something" - the frontend for the WebRemote and worked with the team today to design a spec. But I would still like @jatha to show some evidence that suggests that "the camera has plenty of resources". I find this hard to believe (its only a relatively low-powered dual arm!!!) and only benchmarks running during a camera state where it is filming and executing scripts could change my opinion. (Or alternatively, a video of htop screen.)

Mar 11 2018, 8:21 PM · AXIOM Remote, AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

Of course - usually you have the whole reverse proxy cruft because you don't know who / how many clients you will have. The luxury behind this WebRemote as we are building it is that we will at most have exactly one client, who has "properly" identified itself with a UUID. We don't care about the rest of the universe.

Mar 11 2018, 8:10 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

sorry for being unclear. When writing rest server, i actually didnt think about rest but exposing an interface with webstandarts. we could also replace any rest with websockets.

Mar 11 2018, 7:54 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

And furthermore, the only purpose for having lighttpd is to serve the initial html/js/css to the WebRemote. After a ws:// connection has been made we can even turn it off. (Technically speaking, we could even just use netcat to serve the folder to the browser.)

Mar 11 2018, 7:09 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

Can we get rid of the REST server entirely? I was under the impression that we actually agreed to do websockets...

Mar 11 2018, 7:07 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

hm... dont really get, why we would want to disable the rest server / the control daemon seperately. if we dont want to expose http from outside, we could pervent this by binding the rest server to a local adress and do reverse proxying with ligthttpd. in this case disabeling lighttpd would disable the accessibility from outside.

Mar 11 2018, 7:04 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 updated subscribers of T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

Connection to daemon is done by UNIX domain sockets, then flatbuffers package is sent over it. Split is intentional, so we can deactivate them separately (was asked by @Bertl).

Mar 11 2018, 6:49 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.

Working spec document

Mar 11 2018, 6:30 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
nothingismagick added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

FYI: This is what we are working on for the specification of the C&C. It is neither finished, nor valid JSON or anything else.

Mar 11 2018, 6:17 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

"split the control daemon and rest server" -> that would be the approach with websockets, which I prefer and we are investigating right now.

Mar 11 2018, 6:12 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

moreover, what is the transport mechanism for the flatbuffers? notwork? unix sockets? files? fifos?

Mar 11 2018, 5:40 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
anuejn added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

why do we split the control daemon and rest server into two different programs? couldnt the contol daemon directly expose some kind of web compatible api (websockets / rest), the webapp and the cli should use?

Mar 11 2018, 5:28 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

new version as result of today's discussion:

Mar 11 2018, 3:42 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

Mar 10 2018

pranabendra1997 updated subscribers of T725: Electronic Lens Control .
Mar 10 2018, 11:59 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software

Mar 8 2018

sebastian updated the task description for T734: Live histogram, waveform, vectorscope.
Mar 8 2018, 8:27 PM · Restricted Project
sebastian updated the task description for T725: Electronic Lens Control .
Mar 8 2018, 8:26 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian updated the task description for T733: FPGA real time Focus Peaking.
Mar 8 2018, 8:24 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, Google Summer of Code 2022
sebastian updated the task description for T728: Image Sensor Simulation/Emulation.
Mar 8 2018, 8:24 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian updated the task description for T721: 4K HDMI output Gearwork Logic.
Mar 8 2018, 8:24 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software
RexOr updated the task description for T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.
Mar 8 2018, 6:07 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
RexOr updated the task description for T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.
Mar 8 2018, 6:05 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote
RexOr renamed T939: AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build from Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build to AXIOM WebRemote: Detailed Specs, Requirements and Build.
Mar 8 2018, 6:04 PM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Remote

Mar 4 2018

Bertl updated the task description for T721: 4K HDMI output Gearwork Logic.
Mar 4 2018, 7:49 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software
Bertl added a comment to T721: 4K HDMI output Gearwork Logic.

@malita With HDMI know-how we mean that you have a basic understanding how HDMI works, how the data is encoded and transported between source and sink and what the building blocks of an HDMI image are ... Tim does a nice overview of HDMI here https://media.ccc.de/v/33c3-8057-dissecting_hdmi

Mar 4 2018, 7:46 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software
malitha added a comment to T721: 4K HDMI output Gearwork Logic.

I am from University of Peradeniya Sri Lanka. And I like to engage in the project. Can you please explain what is meant by " HDMI know-how " in the prerequsites section?

Mar 4 2018, 5:49 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware, AXIOM Beta Software
nmdis1999 updated subscribers of T734: Live histogram, waveform, vectorscope.
Mar 4 2018, 4:42 PM · Restricted Project
Bertl updated the task description for T734: Live histogram, waveform, vectorscope.
Mar 4 2018, 1:23 PM · Restricted Project
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T734: Live histogram, waveform, vectorscope.

Correct cmv_hist3 link: https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/beta-software/tree/master/software/cmv_tools/cmv_hist3

Mar 4 2018, 10:07 AM · Restricted Project

Mar 1 2018

nothingismagick added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

Great! I take it you mean this flavor of libwebsockets: https://libwebsockets.org/

Mar 1 2018, 1:17 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

We can test by replacing Pistache by libwebsockets, but it takes some time (maybe on weekend), as currently preparations for GSoC and my packing for move to new city are ongoing.

Mar 1 2018, 12:38 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

Here is some information about websockets vs. ajax

Mar 1 2018, 11:58 AM · AXIOM Beta Software

Feb 28 2018

BAndiT1983 added a comment to T697: create firmware image creation script.

@jatha Have you set Travis CI up?

Feb 28 2018, 10:57 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

That sounds great!

Feb 28 2018, 5:13 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

As a new Beta is finally connected to the server, i could test again if i can finally set gain through daemon. If it works, then more usage cases can be implemented and tested. As it is necessary before we know what we need to supply to the camera, but most work should be done by daemon, also using pre-defined (stored in binary files) stuff like FPGA bitstreams.

Feb 28 2018, 5:09 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

As far as the API goes, I would like to suggest versioning it according to a reference standard that documents the REST call, its expectations and all values. The current state (at T865) is what I would consider to be V0 - because it is not systematically standardised. As soon as everything is "written in stone", I would propose promoting the API to V1.

Feb 28 2018, 5:05 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 updated subscribers of T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.
Feb 28 2018, 4:57 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

No complete reference yet, as it was created while developing. Have no direct access to the hardware, so it takes more effort to test.

Feb 28 2018, 4:57 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

Yes, looking often into Lab and IRC.

Feb 28 2018, 4:56 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

Andrej, are you tracking this conversation too?

Feb 28 2018, 4:52 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

Is there a complete list of all current and valid REST package requests?

Feb 28 2018, 4:51 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

Cool - I saw that referenced in the C code, but didn't know how to expect / construct it from the JS.

Feb 28 2018, 4:50 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

There is a thing missing, which i forgot to tell. REST sends a JSON package, format is described in https://lab.apertus.org/T865.

Feb 28 2018, 4:49 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

I totally understand the issue with node running on the box, and is why I suggested the C library for websockets.

Feb 28 2018, 4:49 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

I created an overview block diagram with @BAndiT1983 of the current situation which hopefully provides some insight:

Feb 28 2018, 4:42 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

Should we make an issue here https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/beta-software/issues about registering the available components and middleware routes in order to match the interface expectations as detailed here:

Feb 28 2018, 3:38 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.
  • One thing to keep in mind is that we should get a confirmation from the camera back to the remote that a particular setting/command was applied successfully.
  • Also can we push commands from camera to webremote currently without polling?
Feb 28 2018, 12:42 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

Sounds good.

Feb 28 2018, 12:32 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

Feb 27 2018

supragyaraj added a comment to T737: QEMU emulation.

Also, there is a small issue: ./run_image.sh dev/microzed-image-1.3 runs run_image.sh which is not in the project. Maybe it is ./runQEMU.sh ?

Feb 27 2018, 4:55 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
supragyaraj added a comment to T737: QEMU emulation.

There are still issues with the build scripts: most importantly, the sha256 checksums do not match for xilinx. (./guest-images/dev/microzed-image-1.3/build.sh, which should be ./guest-images/dev/microzed-image-1.4/build.sh, given the patch at https://github.com/apertus-open-source-cinema/axiom-beta-qemu/tree/ffe128c9cbff62e75bd0c5d44ef1f914c393fd8f)

Feb 27 2018, 4:43 PM · AXIOM Beta Software

Feb 26 2018

BAndiT1983 added a comment to T737: QEMU emulation.

Logs from LinuxMint 18.3

Feb 26 2018, 10:18 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
supragyaraj added a comment to T737: QEMU emulation.

The following is log of build on Manjaro Community 17.1.5 (arch)

Feb 26 2018, 8:01 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T931: AXIOM WebRemote: Where/How to save data?.

I took the local-storage route for the vue.js version of the interface that I built. Here is the flow:

Feb 26 2018, 12:47 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T932: AXIOM WebRemote: make main content dynamic.

Legal issues? If you mean JetBrains Webstorm - there aren't any legal issues. The EAP version is their prerelease of their software and it is entirely legal and free to use - without registration. Otherwise I wouldn't have shared it in the VM I built.

Feb 26 2018, 11:49 AM · AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T932: AXIOM WebRemote: make main content dynamic.

Aha, so you want to risk legal issues? VSCode is widely accepted, even by Linux community.

Feb 26 2018, 11:28 AM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T932: AXIOM WebRemote: make main content dynamic.

Yeah, but I really avoid Microsoft at every level in the stack - and I won't be installing visual studio anything on linux. Webstorm is simply the best because the entire environment is built for the kind of engineering needed by web developers...

Feb 26 2018, 11:19 AM · AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T932: AXIOM WebRemote: make main content dynamic.

To bypass problems with licenses, you can use VSCode, which has a ton of plugins for different areas, also Node, Vue and so on.

Feb 26 2018, 11:08 AM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T932: AXIOM WebRemote: make main content dynamic.

I just made you all a VM Snapshot for Oracle VM VirtualBox. It's current state has:

Feb 26 2018, 11:02 AM · AXIOM Beta Software
sebastian added a comment to T932: AXIOM WebRemote: make main content dynamic.

I also first had the issue that all the JS and CSS files were reported 404 by the python SimpleHTTPServer even though they were all in place...

Feb 26 2018, 10:12 AM · AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T932: AXIOM WebRemote: make main content dynamic.

Will do it later, if new commits are still not working, am at work now and cannot access my private machine.

Feb 26 2018, 9:00 AM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T932: AXIOM WebRemote: make main content dynamic.

I really didn't want to sound condescending, I hope you don't have that impression. In the future it would be excellent if you would make a normal issue report at github that has:

Feb 26 2018, 8:51 AM · AXIOM Beta Software
BAndiT1983 added a comment to T932: AXIOM WebRemote: make main content dynamic.

JS was enabled, but browser refused to apply a CSS file with cryptic name (seems like hash). Am not new to web development, doing it daily in my regular job (although it's GWT and Java mainly).

Feb 26 2018, 8:35 AM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T932: AXIOM WebRemote: make main content dynamic.

and pull the repo again - there seem to have been a few files in the dist folder that weren't added to the repo yesterday

Feb 26 2018, 8:23 AM · AXIOM Beta Software
nothingismagick added a comment to T932: AXIOM WebRemote: make main content dynamic.

ok... what security measures? have you enabled javascript?

Feb 26 2018, 8:22 AM · AXIOM Beta Software