Bertl wrote:
I would go to pure digital in that box, maybe input and output if you like to use headphones or similar
then stamp and CRC/ECC the data and send it over a simple serial link to the Beta (e.g. via one of the existing shields)
there are two power rails for each shield, one is the IO voltage and the other can be used for powering electronics on the shields (typically 3.3V)
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Mar 29 2017
Mar 5 2017
In T752#11078, @sebastian wrote:We can simply use the background grain from the website and do the gif without transparency.
This is a format problem with gif (which indeed only has a 1 Bit Alpha channel). A fix for this would be to use APNG, which sadly isn't supported by Chrome (Google wants to push their own WebP format). Another way would be to not use transparency but to gif it the same background color as the sidebar, that way we could circumvent the format limitations.
Mar 4 2017
I think for me the problem was the following:
In order to know if I can/want to participate, I have to have a better insight into current topics and tasks. I even read the "Join the team site", but for me it was still necessary to know if I could even contribute in a way that doesn't create more work for existing team members, before deciding on things.
Mar 1 2017
Very constructive comment RexOr!
Feb 28 2017
In T744#10885, @sebastian wrote:So my vote would be for simple/clean/elegant/robust.
Given that the Camera has a linux running on it, the easy mode on this would probably be to use something like cryptsetup. No need to invent the wheel new.
Is this task a potential duplicate from T741?
Feb 27 2017
The generation of true random numbers may actually stop this idea from beeing practical. A (open) hardware TRNG like the infnoise is capable of producing 259000 bits per second. To fill a Terabyte (8*10^12 bits) this would take roughly a year Maybe one should seriously consider a different approach. Edit: with something faster like the Bitbabbler one comes down to two weeks per Terabyte. If one had multiple TRNGs time would go further down. This however means: People need to get one or multiple TRNGs. People need to plan ahead (which film people usually do). The thing has to be working and save.
In T341#10809, @MichaelH wrote:
In T341#10796, @RexOr wrote:The following positioning allows for the colour wheel to sit precisely above the spine of the letter P when OpenCine is written fully.
Warning: In this comment I will state some experiences I made with data wrangling (as it is lovingly called in the industry) and shamlessly post some vague GUI inspirations. When I shot my last film on a Blackmagic Production 4K Camera, I had a lot of RAW DNG streams to wrangle with – we recorded about 8TB in 10 days and those had to be backupped at least once. If one doesn't has a dedicated person on set to deal with the data flexibility is key.
I worked as Set Recordist on 10+ productions and tinker with modular synthesizer electronics. Worked with a lot of gear reaching from Aeta 4Minx to various Sounddevices gear. Constructing suitable Preamps, that match those of a field recorder should be possible. Building good 24bit accuracy ADCs can be more challanging though. To achieve high audio quality, some preconditions regarding the rest of the camera have to be fullfilled:
Feb 26 2017
Synthesis of old and new?
I think the general idea to integrate the C somehow within the O is a good one. I will certainly meditate about this one.
40mm width is readable from a distance of ~4m for me.
Here is the .ai with all the variants in seperate artboards, just for future reference
Looks very sleek. I know commercial projects who do worse : )
In T741#10762, @sebastian wrote:Once concern though is that if the etching in the enclosure is small the subtitle "Beta, Gamma, Remote" might be too small to be well readable.
Simple 0° for me too. Looked at my icon bar and noticed the thing might need some BG. Tried with scaling the weights of ring and "0" depending on size, I think a little bit lighter looks more sleek in this size. For a very small icon (16x16-ish), making it into a completely solid pie chart might be the way to go:
I would use the AXIOM logo as it is, and do the variant (Beta, Gamma) using Bebas Neue which the the Axiom CI says should be used. The font weight will have to be discussed, but should also be dependend on the actual real world size of the font: if you use "Axiom° Beta" on a quite big homepage you could use a` Light` font weight for "Beta", if you however etch it on aluminium with 10pt, you should definitly use at least Regular or Bold.
In T341#10751, @BAndiT1983 wrote:I like the lens idea, let's hear what other people think about it. Would also prefer "simple" design, as it's the trend nowadays.
As a camera operator:
ND filters are nice especially for one reason: image sensors don't behave the same across the ISO range. In a very bright situation you could close the aperture or use a higher shutter speed, but many times this is not desired. If you had a perfect sensor, you could just turn down the brightness of the sensor – in reality however you could run in some kind of problems with this (for example colors look different, reduced dynamic range, different noise, ...) So sometimes the best solution is to use a ND filter.
I added some drafts based on RexOr's inital design. First change is to replace the continous hue circle with one composed of 5 solid colors both in angle and in hue 72° apart (360/5 = 72). The colors of the hue circle have been desaturated to give a more modern look.
^ Here one can see that the smaller icon will need a seperate design with bolder shapes. Also the hue circle will need to be changed