Here you can brainstorm anything that is not already available as specific project.
Apr 19 2020
clean up
Aug 14 2019
Product brief II -
Jun 20 2019
"OTP is a terrible and impractical choice! I highly recommend using modern reliable cryptography and established libraries instead — don't roll your own crypto" - Ruslan Kiyanchuk
Mar 22 2019
Mycroft AI is an open source voice assistant.
Seeed Studio ReSpeaker 6-Mic Circular Array Kit for Raspberry Pi Entwicklungskit für Raspberry Pi
Feb 18 2019
Nov 9 2018
Agreed on the internal ND filter. Whether it's an electronic, variable, or rotary disk style, it's incredibly handy to have. Especially on cranes and gimbals. It could also breed greater functionality and cause for use of the remote control in those situations. Lack of behind the lens ND has made some RED rigs much larger than what would be preferable in some tighter scenarios as well.
Aug 24 2018
In my opinion, I think an ND filter for the AXIOM is necessary. The option of the electronic ND filter integrated into the body of the camera is the best option :)
Mar 30 2018
this electronic controlled ND filter built in would be the perfect solution for two reasons:
Mar 20 2018
Mar 5 2018
"We are an association of visually impaired photographers since 2009, participating to photographic festival exibitions. We are based in Carcassonne, in the South of France.
Feb 27 2018
Added those to the doc. Any other questions let me know and I'll ask all together during next contact.
Is the foam ESD safe?
Is it conductive?
Feb 26 2018
Looks good!
Dimensions: W11" x L10" x H7"
I will most definitely also be there this year, and we are planning on running a KinoKabaret Assembly using the KINOÏT Platform. It would be really great to work together and let some hacker-filmmakers get some experience with the AXIOM.
Feb 20 2018
Feb 19 2018
Exactly. Going further, you could also allow users to opt-in their hardware into something like a "fleet health check" which would be a pathway to send errors / regressions / heat statistics whatever back to HQ for QA...
As far as the idea is concerned, it might be worth looking into a scheme that serves unique / registered apertus hostnames on a subdomain with the cert being held on the device.
In my opinion, until the networking stack and sudoers permissions are hardened in the Beta Software package, any exposure to the lighttpd service is really dangerous...
i think aes256 would be much more practical to use. with otp one would need to store twice the data, which is not very practical in terms of bandwidth and storage price.
Moreover, when crossing borders with footage, one would most likely carry both storage mediums (the footage and the key), which would make the encryption useless. when using aes, we could encrypt the key with a password and therefore keep the footage secure, even if all the storage mediums are confiscated.
For reference, here is one approach:
Feb 2 2018
Zoom F1
2 channel recorder/interface
Jan 30 2018
Jan 21 2018
Interesting, I was not aware of this new form factor!
By compute card I mean this
Basically a smaller nuc in a credit card size. Might be interesting for future upgrades an better suited for the recorder you planned using the nuc inside.
Regarding the image processing power. Has this to be done in camera except for an low res (720p) viewfinder image which could be done on the FPGA or maybe on the gpu of the compute card?
When I was mentioning the card I was more thinking of a recording solution which has an easy interface to sata and nvme storage which to my knowledge only the zynq ultrascale+ offers.
This could record the data to cinema DNG where all processing is offloaded to the editing workstation.
Jan 20 2018
Hi Nico
Jan 19 2018
For this years congress, i hope at least one of @sebastian and @Bertl can free up 4 days to attend.
CEntrance MixerFace R4
Dec 19 2017
SDI development is essential finished and working, we should chat about the details for CCC soon, ping me on IRC please.
Dear Apertus Assembly,
your Assembly is accepted and we will provide a space for you.
Dec 18 2017
With the SDI hackathon currently going on and live SDI working with some small remaining issues:
Dec 5 2017
@sebastian I have an extremely boxfresh
Dec 4 2017
Dec 3 2017
@allan do you have a hdmi recorder like an Atomos Shogun you could borrow us for the camera demo rig at the CCC?
Nov 18 2017
I think, I won't manage to be there for a long time but im happy to join you for some time. Especially if you have a Beta ;)
Nov 17 2017
@jatha great. do you want to be part of the assembly?
I will be there too :)
Nov 15 2017
I registered our assembly and spoke to felix.
Nov 14 2017
Short reminder: Deadline for Assemblies is tomorrow 23:59!
Nov 3 2017
Also note alternative: 'This Clear Underwater Housing Is like Putting Your DSLR in a Condom'