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- User Since
- Jan 19 2018, 1:59 PM (369 w, 2 d)
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Jan 21 2018
Jan 21 2018
Nico added a comment to T870: Different architecture using Intel compute card.
By compute card I mean this
Basically a smaller nuc in a credit card size. Might be interesting for future upgrades an better suited for the recorder you planned using the nuc inside.
Regarding the image processing power. Has this to be done in camera except for an low res (720p) viewfinder image which could be done on the FPGA or maybe on the gpu of the compute card?
When I was mentioning the card I was more thinking of a recording solution which has an easy interface to sata and nvme storage which to my knowledge only the zynq ultrascale+ offers.
This could record the data to cinema DNG where all processing is offloaded to the editing workstation.
Jan 19 2018
Jan 19 2018
Nico renamed T870: Different architecture using Intel compute card from Different architecture using Intel compute cad to Different architecture using Intel compute card.