User Details
User Details
- User Since
- Jul 5 2018, 6:06 PM (344 w, 4 d)
- Availability
- Available
Oct 4 2021
Oct 4 2021
vup added a comment to T1263: VPN setup inside AXIOM Beta.
Unless there are actual usecases for a VPN something simpler like a pure terminal sharing solution seems better for support purposes to me.
Mar 30 2021
Mar 30 2021
vup updated the task description for T1230: webUI Challenge.
Mar 21 2021
Mar 21 2021
vup updated the task description for T1230: webUI Challenge.
Mar 16 2021
Mar 16 2021
vup updated the task description for T1222: AXIOM web UI improvements.
Feb 19 2021
Feb 19 2021
vup updated the task description for T1227: Rust Challenge.
vup updated the task description for T1230: webUI Challenge.
Feb 18 2021
Feb 18 2021
vup updated the task description for T1232: NixOS Challenge.
vup updated the task description for T1231: NixOS on the camera.
vup updated the task description for T1231: NixOS on the camera.
vup updated the task description for T1228: Amaranth Challenge.
Jul 5 2018
Jul 5 2018
vup added a comment to T1091: Evaluate automatic firmware builds and report missing/broken things on lab.
The git commit hash and the date of the last update of the software (beta-sofware repo) is already displayd at login through /etc/motd. This can be different from the creation commit / date of the firmware, but these can be easily added as well. The standard disclaimer can also be added in the same place.