KG12-12 (Kenji Gunawan)


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  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.

User Details

User Since
Oct 9 2016, 10:07 AM (435 w, 2 d)

Recent Activity

Apr 20 2017

KG12-12 updated the task description for T774: High Dynamic Range.
Apr 20 2017, 3:39 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
KG12-12 created T774: High Dynamic Range.
Apr 20 2017, 3:31 PM · AXIOM Beta Software
KG12-12 renamed T771: PLEASE DELETE THIS TASK. Sorry. from Cropped Slow-motion to PLEASE DELETE THIS TASK. Sorry..
Apr 20 2017, 3:17 PM
KG12-12 edited projects for T771: PLEASE DELETE THIS TASK. Sorry., added: AXIOM Beta Software; removed AXIOM Beta Hardware.
Apr 20 2017, 3:13 PM
KG12-12 created T773: Output of 4K raw.
Apr 20 2017, 3:13 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware

Apr 13 2017

KG12-12 created T771: PLEASE DELETE THIS TASK. Sorry..
Apr 13 2017, 6:27 PM

Feb 27 2017

KG12-12 added a comment to T674: Thunderbolt port.

Well I think Thunderbolt is too proprietary. I didn't knew this previously. If there is an open source design that I can find I can probably inform this thread to everyone. What about DisplayPort to send digital signal? SDI (3G-6G and 12G) is obvious. Do we need it? I think.

Feb 27 2017, 4:35 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware

Oct 9 2016

KG12-12 placed T674: Thunderbolt port up for grabs.
Oct 9 2016, 11:24 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware
KG12-12 placed T675: 8K Camera for AXIOM Delta up for grabs.
Oct 9 2016, 11:22 AM · Brainstorming
KG12-12 created T675: 8K Camera for AXIOM Delta.
Oct 9 2016, 11:22 AM · Brainstorming
KG12-12 added a comment to T506: Idee for M2 SSDs as storage option for Axion Gamma.

Yes, I think it would be a good idea for AXIOM Gamma to have a PCI Express bus for M.2 SSDs and XQD compatiblity.

Oct 9 2016, 11:15 AM · Brainstorming
KG12-12 created T674: Thunderbolt port.
Oct 9 2016, 11:12 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware
KG12-12 added a comment to T213: An entry level low price version of the Axiom.

Well actually a low priced camera like BMPCC can record 1080p RAW at 30fps which is budget and good enough.

Oct 9 2016, 11:06 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware
KG12-12 added a comment to T213: An entry level low price version of the Axiom.

GoPro is a good example. However, 4K at 120 fps, will need a really big amount of money to be able to make an interface fast enough to write to an M.2 SSD, and a fast enough CPU to take the input and store it as RAW file. About $3000 MFT camera like DJI Zenmuse X5R can record in Lossless RAW 4K at max 2.4 Gbps, but it is not open source and for professional use, it would not perform really well in low-light.

Oct 9 2016, 11:00 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware
KG12-12 added a comment to T212: Accelerometer recorded to metadata for stabilizing / tracking in post..

Well, an acceleromter info for a camera is a great idea, actually. But the problem is how can it be included in the metadata? Should it be stored in an another format like .aclmif (Accelerometer Info) which contains a very precise tracking of the accelerometer over time. You should include timecode info too so you can parse the information of the accelerometer over time. And the program which can render .aclmif is only Open Cine, with Premiere Pro adding support in 2021? Well but it is not a wrong idea to add a new format and it should not be in this section - it should be in the software section.

Oct 9 2016, 10:53 AM · AXIOM Beta Software, AXIOM Beta Hardware
KG12-12 added a comment to T292: Investigate SDHC UHS-II interface.

What I think is that it would not be practical if we use UHS-II cards because this device is mainly for video production and RAW recording. So if you use a RAID Array of a bunch of UHS-II cards you can get what you want, namely RAW recording enabled. The problem is that a bunch of UHS-II cards would not be practical because you need to bring a bunch of SD Card Reader and hubs to be able to read all the data. If you provide UHS-II cards their price is more than $1/GB now, so it would not be practical for use because SATA SSDs are cheaper and faster, with larger size. With 1 UHS-II card, however, you can record in ProRes 4K or maybe Cineform, I haven't checked for Cineform.

Oct 9 2016, 10:47 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware
KG12-12 added a comment to T4: Define a proper cooling strategy.

Well what I think is that cooling a camera is not easy. And we need a super conductive material (e.g. Diamond, which does not conduct electricity very well but conducts heat at best, or silver which is cheaper, which conducts both electricity (electric charge) at best and heat really well (2nd place). So really, aluminium is the cheapest option. But we need something cold so we can conduct the heat out of the camera. So I think we should have some sort of heat spreader in which is directly from the CPU, and the heat is conducted out with water, like water cooling so it will definitely evaporate some water and the heat is lost by the water, which is not a good idea, because it is just inefficient. We need to be able to spread the heat, but the handle and the base of the camera and all the buttons of course should not be hot because the camera user will click on them, and the LCDs should not be hot too. So we should be able to spread the heat fast enough that the camera itself is cool enough.

Oct 9 2016, 10:31 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware
KG12-12 added a comment to T652: micro SD-card raid.

I think we should remove the bottleneck from SATA III to SAS 12 Gb/s so we can get more speed. Because 4K 60fps RAW requires a lot of speed we would need more MicroSD Card for the ability of recording it. And it needs to support UHS-II in every slot. So we need a lot of resources. And MicroSD is more expensive than SATA SSDs actually. $42 for 128 GB MicroSD (Sandisk Ultra 128 GB), Buy 8 and you will have 960 GiB (1024 GB) for $320. It is more or less the same with worse performance (Top speed of the SSD is about 550 MB/s while MicroSDs are about 80 MB/s each with a constant write of about 18 MB/s per card, which in total gives you less than 200 MB/s with a slightly cheaper amount of cards.

Oct 9 2016, 10:20 AM · 4k Raw recorder
KG12-12 added a comment to T136: 4K RAW PC recording.

I think we should use PCI Express 3.0 x4 with 4 M.2 cards in RAID-0 so we can get RAW Uncompressed in a very high framerate and resolution. Because if we go for SATA SSDs the SATA III would be a bottleneck. We should develop it with PCI Express so M.2 and XQD compatible. We can also add more memory modules for Cache.

Oct 9 2016, 10:13 AM · 4k Raw recorder, Brainstorming