Output of 4K raw
Closed, InvalidPublic


Is it possible to record in Uncompressed 4K 4:3 CinemaDNG internally? I think it will need to have some 12G-SDI Out to be able to record in 4K 10-bit @ 300fps raw. I mean that is 37,748,736 kbits/second which will require at least three 12G-SDI (11.988 Gbps) out and one HD-SDI (1.485 Gbps). Because in the design it's so small.

I'm just asking how are we going to record in 4K raw and slow-motion?

KG12-12 created this task.Apr 20 2017, 3:13 PM
KG12-12 updated the task description. (Show Details)
KG12-12 raised the priority of this task from to High.
KG12-12 assigned this task to Bertl.
KG12-12 added a project: AXIOM Beta Hardware.
KG12-12 moved this task to Connectors & Interfaces on the AXIOM Beta Hardware board.
KG12-12 added a subscriber: KG12-12.
sebastian closed this task as Invalid.May 2 2017, 12:34 PM
sebastian added a subscriber: sebastian.

Its not possible currently but we are working on it.

Is it possible to record in Uncompressed 4K 4:3 CinemaDNG internally?
Yes, but only for a short period, till the memory is full.

I think it will need to have some 12G-SDI Out to be able to record in 4K 10-bit @ 300fps raw.
12G-SDI is not a realistic option at the moment, as there are no MGTs on the MicroZed.

I'm just asking how are we going to record in 4K raw and slow-motion?
Either really short bursts or continuous at the maximum transfer rate currently achievable which will be between 12 and 18Gbit/s
Note that lossless compression might be able to fill in the missing 18Gbit.
