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- User Since
- Oct 29 2014, 1:14 PM (531 w, 6 d)
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Apr 20 2015
Keep in mind that anything that looks like a turbine or a fan is very noisy... like planes
Apr 9 2015
I don't understand how the air flow is supposed to be.
Apr 6 2015
- What is the weight of the payload you want to hang under the drone ? DJI is selling a drone that can lift a 5D Mark III (6 kg max). (1 750,00 €). Full carbon fiber.
Mar 28 2015
Personally I like the idea and the approach. But from my understanding of what I read on this site, the camera is more geared towards "ground" filmmakers where weight is not such a big deal (at least up to a certain limit.)
Jan 28 2015
Note about astronomy imaging (for space telescope):
THe challenge there is capturing very faint object without having the image "damaged" by highlights. Very long exposure time are used.
caveats : On CCD sensor, you have a white line when there is a pixel that oversaturated.
caveats : On CMOS sensor, your bright spot "bleeds" on neighbouring pixels.
Jan 2 2015
looks like from the website it is free for open source projects
Dec 31 2014
Answer from Christophe
His name is Christophe Carpentier and he has one available for 200USD. Go on the page,view,chipmaker78. His email address is there.
I gave him the address of the apertus web site and I and investigating how get the board.
Dec 30 2014
I found ton a project of a PCIe board with Sata connector. (,spartan6_pcie).
External interfaces are not the correct one but the developer seems open to discussion. Board cost 200USD (got feedback from developer)
Dec 16 2014
I thought of 2 ways of doing things without reinventing the wheel:
Dec 15 2014
I hope the following remark (read wish list) not too off topic.
I have issues getting the whole picture of the project.
There are a lot of things discussed on the lab but I think it has one drawback. Being discussion based (at the moment at least), I feel a lack of structure. Technical and non technical subjects tends to be mixed up.
Yes of course.
Once you have more detailed information I would be glad to help implements/discuss concrete design.
I will stay on topic.
But I think that if you compare it with the Odyssey and Atomos Shogun, your solution cannot be compared to those soltutions
Shogun :196mm x 110mm x 47mm and 645g 6.8W-11W
Odyssey : 200mmx155mmx25mm, 560g 8W
Dec 14 2014
Personally I like the idea of a single button upgrade from an SD card. But like Philippe said I don't like the idea of writing 300MB to update 64 kb. Moreover, a "single button push" upgrade can be dangerous. I don't want to upgrade my camera by mistake.
But connecting it through USB to my PC and using a program to do the update is something I prefer. Like that I know that i cannot use the camera during the upgrade and I won't do any mistake (or at least less), I don't need that the camera is running to give be information about the upgrade being made.
I like the idea but I have a lot of questions and remarks.