GitHub Informational Modeling
Open, Needs TriagePublic


What if tomorrow thousands of people contribute and model diy parts for the axiom with the Github repository? This could change the industry. I already see a lot of people uploading lens adapters, caps, extension tubes on 3D sharing platforms.

I have used svn for years with large assemblies for the building industry, although i am quite new and already quite in love with GitHub, i think maybe we can exchange a few methods, and discuss on how to organize the information and the models.

Here are the tricks I have learned, things that might make it easier to collaborate with a large number of people.

  • We need a common disposition of parts across all platforms. For that we need an origin XYZ, and I believe we also need a ref plane for the image sensor.

We could also create a map, with the current/atwork assembly always position with the microzed lower corner on the origin, and then additional parts in the corresponding region, like in the picture. That way it is like having a big table with all the parts to make the camera you want. the only thing you need is a translated value in X, Y and Z associated with the part.

I can upload .3dm, .obj, .CATpart, .Iges, .stp files with the same origin reference. they could be linked to a disclaimer for contributors.

  • Then comes naming convention. formatting could look like this : AXM_BET_KUB_V02_100515_PC2

For example, here we are looking at the PCB n°2, in the Kubrick II (if we stick with directors name), at a file that was created on the 10th of May 2015.
That way, we can classify easily the information.
ex : AXM_BET_ALT_V03_100515_MCZ

Please let me know what you think of this. and lets try to make a 3D collaboration system that can branch off in a network of projects! I dont know if it is possible to establish these standards in an open source community, but that could really be beneficial for new comers, and archive.

FrancoisGandon updated the task description. (Show Details)
FrancoisGandon raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
FrancoisGandon moved this task to Backlog on the AXIOM Beta Hardware board.
FrancoisGandon added a subscriber: FrancoisGandon.
FrancoisGandon renamed this task from GitHub Collaboration Strategy to Git Hub Informational Modeling.May 3 2015, 6:27 PM
FrancoisGandon updated the task description. (Show Details)

Github has a 3D viewer built in already. It works for STL currently IIRC but I am sure they will expand it for more formats in the future.

I agree with the common origin and that we need a PCB stack "map".

But maybe the best way to establish all this is with the first full enclosure as a kind of demo/reference implementation that we can use to showcase these features/outlines?

daFred added a subscriber: daFred.May 13 2015, 9:01 AM

A common origin could be a good idea in some cases but in Austria we say: "Du kommst in Teufels Küche" ("you get into devils kitchen.." :-)) if you change any part like the hight of a connector or a socket. You have to change this distance in every part in the whole chain. This is not a way to go. There have to be some defined interconnection points on every part but no dependency to any common origin!

allan renamed this task from Git Hub Informational Modeling to GitHub Informational Modeling.Sep 28 2017, 3:55 AM