Menga (Oaky Goldsilver)


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  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.

User Details

User Since
Sep 3 2017, 3:48 AM (387 w, 6 d)

Recent Activity

Nov 28 2019

Menga added a comment to T1132: Lens Mount Shimming.

Shimming if often used in PL lenses that have a scale for focusing. This scale is calibrated with a target like a Siemens Star or a Test Sheet.
Companies like P+S Technik do this with a rig where you mount the lenses and you can measure the focusing distance from the sensor to the target.
Once this scale is engraved cannot be changed as far as i now and that's why people shim the mounts.
Other cameras have "back focusing" that moves the sensor back and forth.
Photography lenses don't have this scales so they don't need shimming unless you want to change the range of focus to allow the lens focus more at macro or at infinity.
I think it's the correct solution to have the possibility to shim the mount, because otherwise you may need to move the sensor or try other more complicated ways to move and align the lens.

Nov 28 2019, 2:15 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware

May 5 2018

Menga added a comment to T736: Battery System.

It looks really cool!

May 5 2018, 4:29 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware

Jan 4 2018

Menga added a comment to T736: Battery System.

This is the first sketch of the pcb that i made. it's 18x72mm, to fit atop of 4 18650 cells.

Jan 4 2018, 9:23 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware

Dec 19 2017

Menga added a comment to T736: Battery System.

Great finds!

Dec 19 2017, 2:30 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware

Dec 14 2017

Menga added a comment to T736: Battery System.
In T736#12437, @RexOr wrote:

"Open source battery - Doesn' t exist yet but if we ever do create one this chip might come in handy: "

Dec 14 2017, 4:09 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware

Nov 6 2017

Menga added a comment to T736: Battery System.

spring loaded individual 18650 cells. would that be an option to avoid DIY and legal issues? is it secure enough without soldering?

Nov 6 2017, 3:05 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware

Nov 4 2017

Menga added a comment to T736: Battery System.

is it possible to cover a smaller battery (8 cells) and big (16cells) with the same electronic design?

Yes and no. The way i throught the design was in modules of 4 cells.
Using 4 cells with a single pcb on top, forming a unit of battery.
This unit can be stacked to form the size of battery you want, in 4, 8, 12, 16 cells and so.

Nov 4 2017, 3:25 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware

Oct 28 2017

Menga added a comment to T736: Battery System.

:O it's not open source!

Oct 28 2017, 11:23 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware
Menga added a comment to T736: Battery System.

I finally made the Eagle work on my computer, i have to say, is almost unusable compared to older version of Eagle.

Oct 28 2017, 9:35 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware

Oct 5 2017

Menga added a comment to T736: Battery System.

Here's the charger. It's basic but it should work more than fine with protected batteries.

Oct 5 2017, 5:07 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware

Sep 28 2017

Menga added a comment to M34: Axiom Beta Compact enclosure and labeling.

It looks awesome! i like that you leave the connections on the sides.

Sep 28 2017, 6:57 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware

Sep 26 2017

Menga added a comment to T736: Battery System.

I research the ATmega8HVA and is seem to be "self programming" meaning that a test bench is needed to charaterize each type of cell and program the IC.

Sep 26 2017, 7:11 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware

Sep 25 2017

Menga added a comment to T736: Battery System.

One question though is if voltage measurement alone is enough to evaluate battery capacity/health.
I know laptop batteries for example monitor all currents going in and out over the entire battery lifetime and account for any aging phenomenons of the cells.

Laptop batteries don't actually do that, they have something that is almost planned obsolecence. For example, Dell uses a microcontroller that counts cycles anr/or usage hours, but not for each charger, they count the entire life of the cells as a whole (all of them in the pack). When a certain prefix limit is reach, the micro tells the computer, and the computer refuses to charger the battery.
So is a "safe life" protection. The battery may be fine, but because they want to avoid a lawsuit if something happens they just block the battery after a a few cycles/hours.

Sep 25 2017, 8:22 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware
Menga added a comment to T736: Battery System.

Well, you can make a led status without a PIC or any microcontroller. we could desing a status around a vumeter IC, like the LM3915., with the press of a button it will tell you the state of charge.
The advantage of an analog state will be 0 current drain. Because you only read the battery when you press the button.

Sep 25 2017, 4:35 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware

Sep 24 2017

Menga added a comment to T736: Battery System.

I Sacrifice my very own japanese sony charger from 1997. Is still working properly so i think is a design to look for.

Sep 24 2017, 1:36 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware

Sep 21 2017

Menga added a comment to T736: Battery System.

I corrected the schematic of the Battery Protection, i should be like this. Also aldd a 3 pin connector to allow the use of a charger/balancer

Sep 21 2017, 11:03 PM · AXIOM Beta Hardware

Sep 12 2017

Menga added a comment to T736: Battery System.

What would be better:
A- A CHarger with the balancer incorpored and a battery with only low voltage protection
B- A more simple charger and batteries with their own low voltage protection and balancer.

Sep 12 2017, 2:15 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware

Sep 4 2017

Menga added a comment to T736: Battery System.

Yes, it won't be very hard to design our own battery pack for the Axiom.
Here i made a Low Voltage protection. It will cut at 6V, (3V per cell) and it can be added to each Sony NP-F in case it's necesary.

Sep 4 2017, 12:48 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware

Sep 3 2017

Menga added a comment to T736: Battery System.

Sony's NP-F batteries do have their own protection inside the battery. I disassemble one to check. This one in particular has two 18650 from panasonic, and it was built in 1997. This batteries are still being produced 20 years later and used in modern cameras like the FS700. So i think is a good route to build the battery system.
The camera could have a universal power conector to change between different battery plates, so other baterries could be adapted as well. Like RED does with their cameras.
Even an ATX power supply connector could do the job.

Sep 3 2017, 4:01 AM · AXIOM Beta Hardware