An alternative may include to implement and use a dedicated phy to stream the output in RTP
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Aug 23 2015
Mar 16 2015
Mar 15 2015
Just send you an email on the sources topic.
Mar 14 2015
If we remove the ethaddr option, will it be recovered by Linux when the PHY is setup?
Feb 12 2015
Update to boot.bin to kernel 3.14. XADC has been added. QSPI still not detected.
Feb 11 2015
New boot.bin for testing.
Feb 10 2015
Yes. Expect an update of the image and uboot this evening.
Jan 19 2015
Status: the current only problem with the current compilation of u-boot seems to be that the uenv.txt is not loaded by default. It did require a minor change to the uenv.txt.
Jan 10 2015
So first of all, the uenv.txt issue will be solved by the description Sven gave. Needs a recompiled u-boot, we can handle that.
Dec 31 2014
What would be the best way to 'clear' my configuration so I can observe the behavior you are having? You did select the dipswitch of booting from SD?
Dec 29 2014
But what I was more interested about: does the image "autoboot"?
So what has changed between the last and this revision? Mainly the automatic starting of the ethernet interface and run DHCP.
Dec 26 2014
Is this on the 7020?
Dec 22 2014
Dec 18 2014
It would be greatly appreciated if someone could take a peak if the following image will work on a vanilla MicroZed.
Dec 16 2014
I have asked Sven if we could directly migrate to the Elphel bootloader code, he was investigating it. But I haven't heard from him, so I contacted him on Sunday about it. Obviously I can upgrade the existing image to something like a 2GB partition and go with that, but I was hoping for "more".
Nov 29 2014
Ok, enough information. I'll make an all in one image.
Nov 25 2014
My suggestion was to take the ArchLinux ZedBoard image, and add our bootpart for the 7010 board. I guess given I see a kernel booting. We don't have any problems with the 7020 :-)
fatload mmc 0 0x3000000 uImage
fatload mmc 0 0x2A00000 devicetree.dtb
setenv bootargs console=ttyPS0,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootdelay=2 init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd
bootm 0x3000000 - 0x2A00000
Nov 14 2014
@Bertl Do you have a 7020?
Oct 18 2014
I would like to make a strict distinction between the developer image and the creative image.