I will report development progress here with videos and photos.
nice progress @sebastian don't forget the steven spielberg or michael bay camera setup mode :-)
first menu transition animation prototype:
I actually want a "swipe" or "push/slide" effect instead of a wipe and in the end it shall be much faster of course but one thing after the other.
Menu and submenu navigation feels much more intuitive/clear now, great suggestion @Bertl
Will add "back" button in submenus again now so navigation only using the knob/wheel is also possible.
This video is a bit longer and gives a full tour of the current state of development:
Fixed the parameter menus, added "up" items in submenus, they now also do not show the ">" arrow on the right as "up/back" is perceived as left, slide up/down animation added for whitebalance page. The currently highlighted/selected item in each menu/submenu is now saved and if you go out of a submenu you now have the item selected that led you into the submenu.
Found a bit of time over Christmas to work on the AXIOM Remote software but nothing big this time: I implemented automatic wrapping of longer text within rectangular bounds.
Its quite a challenge to do if you draw every pixel of every letter manually. In the following demo video you can see how turning the knob reduces the rectangular bounds of the text to be drawn. The black lines mark the length of the next word in the sentence being wrapped to test/debug the wrapping. The lines and bounds will not be visible in the end of course.