make readable and self-explaining to newcomers, without overloading the sheet
- missing descriptions ( Task starting at the "o" of novemeber - describe or omit ?)
- explain acronyms ( so that nobody has to google them ) or add them to [[ | glossary ]] - could be tricky, because "everybody" seems to know HDMI & HDMI 2 (?), Open Hardware- happily found Sensor Front End, still missing Inter Board Communication (?) , and the Free Programmable Normalizer ( ? ) , as well as an explicit reference to the FPGA
- connect objects with verbs, e.g. develop ZedBoards & connect verbs with objects e.g. review ... ( what ? )
- timeline/year ( 1014/15 ? )
- explain colour code (red, yellow, green, .. ) if there is a meaning beyond distinction