Hello all,
After discussing the apertus° project with some cinematographer friends, it appears that people would like to see also a CCD option for the sensor of the AXIOMs. The main argument is the "unique look" it can produce, compared to the CMOS look, which is now everywhere.
Cinematographers would be interested in a modern digital camera with CCD-sensor. They even already are interested, and some of them don't step back using an Ikonoscop for example, even if in it remains tidious in practical terms (on set and with the data management).
From what I've understood (thx to Sebastian) : in technical terms a CCD requires a very sophisticated support logic (they output analog signals) so its a bit like the magic involved in building an analog audio preamp for a guitar for example with tubes, etc. to produce a unique sounding distortion signal.
Any one else in the apertus° community could be interested in a CCD sensor ?
Did your friends already asked you for such a thing ?
Best regards,