What if tomorrow thousands of people contribute and model diy parts for the axiom with the Github repository? This could change the industry. I already see a lot of people uploading lens adapters, caps, extension tubes on 3D sharing platforms.
I have used svn for years with large assemblies for the building industry (see pdf if you are interested) , although im quite new and already quite in love with GitHub.
Here are the tricks I have learned with Building information Modeling, things that might make it easier to collaborate with a large number of people.
- We need a common disposition of parts across all platforms. For that we need an origin XYZ, and I believe we also need a ref plane for the image sensor.
We could also create a map, with the current/atwork assembly always position with the microzed lower corner on the origin, and then additional parts in the corresponding region, like in the picture. That way it is like having a big table with all the parts to make the camera you want.
I can upload .3dm, .obj, .CATpart, .Iges, .stp files with the same origin reference.
- Then comes naming convention. I will suggest a formatting like this : AXM_BET_KUB_V02_100515_PC2
For example, here we are looking at the PCB n°2, in the Kubrick II (if we stick with directors name), at a file that was created on the 10th of May 2015.
That way, we can classify easily the information, and even if its a bit tedious to name or read, it might be worth it.
Please let me know what you think of this. and lets try to make a 3D collaboration system that can branch off in a network of projects!