- Install CMake
- Install Qt 5.6
- Install VS2015 Community
- Open CMake GUI
- Select OC root folder for source code location and some folder for build output
- Click "Configure"
- Dialog opens which will ask for which compiler it should configure the project, select VS2015 (x86 or x64)
- If CMake complains about not being able to find Qt5 modules then point it to the right module folder, see the screenshot for examples
- Click "Generate"
- CMake generates VS solution for OC in build output folder
- Open VS
- Install Qt5Package extension from **Tools **-> **Extensions** menu
- Restart VS
- Open Qt5 -> Qt Options
- Select the folder which contains MSVC version of Qt
- Open VS solution which was generated by Qt
- Build
- To be able to start OC modules correctly change working dir for debugging in the required project settings (shift+select/ctrl+select mutliple projects to set them at once) to build output folder, e.g. **${ProjectDir}** to **${TargetDir}**
- Do the previous setting for all used modules, otherwise there would be a mixup while debugging or running in release mode which crashes for no obvious reason at first sight
- Possibly that VS2015 will show an error about missing Qt DLLs, to fix this **windeployqt** should be run from Qt bin folder, as parameter full path to the project exe should be supplied, e.g. **windeployqt C:\Build\OC_VS2015_build\bin\OCBackup.exe**