Coding Guidelines
Open, WishlistPublic


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BAndiT1983 updated the task description. (Show Details)
BAndiT1983 raised the priority of this task from to Wishlist.
BAndiT1983 added a project: Open Cine.
BAndiT1983 moved this task to Organization on the Open Cine board.
BAndiT1983 added a subscriber: BAndiT1983.
  • Private attrbutes should be prefixed with underscore ( _ ), e.g. float _posX;
  • Interfaces should be prefixed with upper case I, e.g. IProcessor
  • Variables/attributes should start with lower case letter and methods/classes/interfaces with upper case, e.g. int frameCount, void Process(), class FrameProcessor
anuejn added a subscriber: anuejn.Feb 27 2018, 5:56 PM

maybe move this to the OC git repo, which would make it more likely to be foud by people who want to contribute?

BAndiT1983 added a comment.EditedJun 19 2018, 11:15 PM
  • Curly braces should be always placed, even for single lines in if()