Explore the legal implications we have with having more contributors on the project and thus the need of a contributor licence agreement.
Closed, WontfixPublic


I came across this document : https://secure.phabricator.com/L28

And some explanations here : https://secure.phabricator.com/book/phabcontrib/article/contrib_intro/#legal-stuff

Does it apply to us? I'd tend to think so.

philippej updated the task description. (Show Details)
philippej raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
philippej added projects: Restricted Project, Community.
philippej added a subscriber: philippej.
philippej triaged this task as Normal priority.Oct 20 2014, 3:43 PM
Sasha added a subscriber: Sasha.EditedOct 30 2014, 1:59 PM

I agree. With a lot of public interest now directed at our project, I'd like to avoid falling into any legal disputes with developers who are neither familiar with or aware of our openness.

Would you recommend using the same CLA that the phabricator team has implemented? They've said that theirs is very similar to the one used by the Apache foundation.

allan added a subscriber: allan.Oct 31 2014, 8:34 PM

From the info I sourced on the different pages, some creative commons, share alike? license is to be used for documentation. GPLv3 for software, and cern open hardware license for the metal.


Other than re-licensing to something else, i don't see the "benefit" to be had. Is there an actual problem with the licenses?

All things left to how they are now, it shouldnt be a problem, since the licenses are the same to all parties. The question arises in whether the project seeks to re-license at a later stage.

CLAs are cumbersome, and stifle growth, it is an oft quoted reason for why canonical projects aren't seeing more popularity with outside developers.

I agree with Allan here, we should not try to solve a problem that isn't one for us currently.

This would mean major bureaucratic hurdles and could scare away the few external contributors we have gathered so far just to prepared for a hypothetical what-if scenario that's not likely to happen (did it ever happen in open source history?).

I'm more than happy to agree to not do it, and if we don't have any other feedback going in te opposite direction, we can won't fix in a week or so

philippej closed this task as Wontfix.Nov 19 2014, 12:34 PM
philippej claimed this task.

Closing this one, and crossing fingers :-)