Send crowd funding backer FAQ article to backers
Closed, ResolvedPublic


after analyzing the emails/comments we got so far the FAQ are:

-) When I got the crowdfunding perk for a camera at-cost voucher do I HAVE to buy the camera?

-) Can I buy the camera earlier than my batch?

-) Can I buy the camera later than my batch?

sebastian updated the task description. (Show Details)
sebastian raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
sebastian added a project: Restricted Project.
sebastian added a subscriber: sebastian.

Made a test here :

Phabricator has some beta "stackexchange" like system we could use.

Please review. Other option : it can become a static page on the website, but it will be quickly outdated.

Best option : create the faq with the tool and integrate on the website, if possible automagically. I can fill a bug in phabricator. It is probably being considered, since q/a application is in prototype phase.

Ok, it's not being considered as a feature for now in phabricator:

So, I'd propose to manually edit a faq page on, and redirect people who have an unanswered question to so they can ask their new question. This tool would be our incubator for questions, and would supply new material for the static faq page.

Sounds good, lets add the entries at the beginning of:

Another question:
Can I sell/give my voucher to someone else?

The camera perk vouchers are linked to personal accounts so the best way to make a friend happy is to use your voucher, get the camera and then give the camera to your friend.

philippej triaged this task as Normal priority.Oct 20 2014, 7:03 PM

Would you be so kind to take care of this?

philippej moved this task from Restricted Project Column to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.Oct 23 2014, 10:54 PM

made some changes and added some comments.

Still needs some refinements.

We will also need a native speaker to check the text.

This is definitely a novice task, as long as the "novice" is a native speaker :-)

I asked david jordan to review the text so it got much better already.

I just gave it another review and think its pretty good now already.

Lets put it into the website: and review it once more there.

philippej closed this task as Resolved.Oct 30 2014, 8:09 AM

integrated :

I separated general and crowdfunding faq in two sections. Feel free to enhance it

sebastian reopened this task as Open.Oct 31 2014, 9:55 PM

To notify backers and the general public lets also copy paste the new question/answers into a frontpage article that we can publish on social media and the indiegogo update page.

allan added a subscriber: allan.EditedOct 31 2014, 10:02 PM

Just add it to the campaign site.

Funding of vouchers will go live <date> You can chose to pay later, but your spot in the queue will be skipped.
Voucher is valid until <date>
You can chose to pre-pay your order, but this will not give you a better spot in the queue.

philippej renamed this task from Create crowd funding backer FAQ article to Send crowd funding backer FAQ article to backers.Nov 4 2014, 4:30 PM
sebastian closed this task as Resolved.Nov 4 2014, 5:01 PM

reviewed, corrected and posted to indiegogo updates tab to notify all backers.