file manager like interface that shows each DNG sequence as one icon/thumbnail
Idea exists for quite some time and the MediaExplorer was the first step in that direction. Till now i thought about import dialog where the user selects data type like MXF, DNG folder etc. and also the folder which should be scanned.
Elaborating currently how the "Manage" part of OC should work: in which order the data will be searched, e.g. plain DNG folder as last step, before it MXF search or similar. Will create some very basic mockups to have some discussion base.
I will try to reproduce the "missing MediaExplorer" bug, this leads to setup clean Windows or Linux VM, as each of my currently used operating systems are set up for development and can distort the appearance and behavior of OC.
Update on "missing MediaExplorer". I tested OC with minimal Xubuntu VM. Following PPA is required to get Qt5.4 packages as they are not included in Ubuntu repository at the moment. OC complained about missing QGraphicalEffects package. After installing the MediaExplorer appeared, i think that the same behavior exists under Windows and will investigate further.
Edit: Reference for deploying Qt apps: