**September 16th 2017**: Hackaday - Hackaday’s first ever [[ http://hackaday.com/2017/08/06/hackaday-uk-unconference-needs-you/ | conference ]] in the United Kingdom will take place on September 16th. London at the Culture Space at Canada Water. [[ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hackaday-uk-unconference-tickets-36589469087?aff=hadArticle | Registration ]].
**Saturday 28 to Sunday 29 October 2017** Freenode Live - The inaugural freenode #live conference takes place at At-Bristol in Bristol, UK from Saturday 28 to Sunday 29 October 2017. Both days will include talks and workshops, and we look forward to this community-focused gathering. Tickets are now on sale and there is a special Early Bird price until 31 July and we are also taking submissions for the call for participation, we have three tracks to choose from (FOSS & Community, Privacy & Security and Making & Remixing) and we look forward to receiving your submission. [[ https://freenode.net/news/freenode-live | Link ]]