To apply for this task please complete one of those mandatory coding challenge together with your application: T872 or T883
Applications without matching coding challenge completed will not be considered.
Control lens systems from various manufacturers (Canon, Nikon, Sony) from the AXIOM Beta hardware.
Implement the different protocols in a way that they can be utilized via AXIOM Beta userspace.
- Establish communication with the Lens System
- Retrieve Information about the Lens System (focal length, aperture range, focus distance etc)
- Control the Lens System (Adjust aperture, focus, etc)
- Create a generic lens control API that should abstract away the differences from different manufacturers.
- A test bench for interfacing the lens with a microcontroller
- A working off the shelf camera/lens assembly to listen to lens communications
**Required skills:**
- Basic hardware skills
- Embedded systems programming (e.g. Arduino or other microcontrollers)
- 3D CAD?
Some lens protocols were already reverse engineered; some good starting points:
**Mentor:** Alex, Bertl
**Notes:** If you do not have access to the required hardware platforms/dev kits, we will provide them (or remote access) to you for the duration of the project.