Hi Everybody,
I couldn't find such a topic, so I decided to create it.
When I saw the Axiom project, I thought : you can strip off the camera to its most essential components (the one you really need) and fly it with a drone!
I see a lot of people wanting more features, and I understand that. But as a tinkerer/amateur I would like to start with less, in order to really learn. And since its modular, we could add components step by step later on.
Here is are a few questions for savvy developers : what are the essential components to record 15 to 20 minutes (usually the battery time for a commercial hexacopter) in the air?
I have modeling experience and access to 3D printers so we could imagine building a case compatible with existing gimbal systems.
How much weight is our "minimal configuration"?
Thanks you for checking this task, and feel free to shoot me an email if you want to work on it and organize the task.