Email Logistics
Open, Needs TriagePublic


As has been passed around here and there over the past few weeks we'd like to de-Google ourselves as much as possible. Presently Google Groups is used for mass emailing as you know.

It would be nice to send out responsive html emails bi-monthly.

Anything we were to adopt would need to be OS ideally, and products like MailChimp cost a lot of money. MailMan has been suggested but there have been bad reports about the time administering non-spam justification can eat up.

Any ideas you have I'd love to hear them.

Incidental: / - "looks like it only supports Postfix with virtual users (i.e. stored in a database) and PostfixAdmin installed. Still pretty neat, just be aware that you're going to have to layer a PHP admin interface on top of Postfix."

RexOr created this task.Jul 27 2017, 11:02 AM
RexOr updated the task description. (Show Details)
RexOr raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
RexOr added subscribers: RexOr, Angel.
RexOr added a comment.EditedJan 27 2018, 10:56 AM

OpenEMM is an Open Source web-based enterprise application for e-mail and marketing automation.

The tool enables you to create and send e-mail newsletter and service e-mails (like transaction e-mails and event or date triggered e-mails). Furthermore you can of course control and organize your lead management.

phpList is Open Source software for sending email newsletters, marketing campaigns and announcements. In 2017 phpList sent 25 billion messages using sophisticated built-in deliverability tools and comprehensive permission marketing systems.

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