Create an publicize an #novice or similar hashtag for people who want to start contributing and tag the tasks accordingly
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The idea is to lower the barrier of entry and allow more people to contribute.

philippej updated the task description. (Show Details)
philippej raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
philippej added a project: Restricted Project.
philippej added a subscriber: philippej.
4nd1 added a subscriber: 4nd1.Oct 17 2014, 9:14 AM
philippej triaged this task as Normal priority.Oct 19 2014, 6:52 PM
philippej claimed this task.EditedOct 22 2014, 4:06 PM
philippej closed this task as Resolved.
philippej added a project: Novice.

Welcome to the Novice project

"beginner", "intermediate", "difficult" ?

I'd create only one tag just to get people up to speed, the rest they will figure it out themselves (like we do already). At least novice (or beginner) is used on others projects, seems a common practice (on Drupal for example)