find/build a method to publish individual news on different social media/newsletter/websites
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When we release a new article on the apertus website I would like to notify people on the following channels somehow semi-automatically:

  • twitter
  • facebook apertus page (+share to several groups)
  • g+ apertus page
  • axiom-dev google group
  • apertus newsletter google group
  • team google group
  • indiegogo update page

Each channel requires the message to be slightly different (twitter needs to be much shorter for example).
Is this mammoth task solve-able at all?

sebastian updated the task description. (Show Details)
sebastian raised the priority of this task from to Normal.
sebastian added a project: Restricted Project.
sebastian added a subscriber: sebastian.

We can go far with custom rss feeds.

  • rss graphiti on facebook
  • some app to post to other networks from rss

Add a field for a twitter-friendly summary to articles maybe?

What is being used currently for the blogging platform if there is any?

Otherwise I would suggest Wordpress, it has many of those things integrated already and plugin support for anything else.

Otherwise if it is a platform specific integration I can research if you like.

sebastian edited projects, added Web Content & Documentation; removed Restricted Project.Mar 10 2016, 9:32 PM