Title says it all. twocolumn justify just doesn't make it in all situations
I cloned our current theme apertus_bootstrap and renamed it apertus_bootstrap_2015 and added the theme switcher block to the sidebar for admins.
Also you can switch via get parameters.
New Theme:
Old Theme:
Currently the new theme displays a white screen of death for me, not sure why...
I managed to solve the errors and started adapting the WIP theme at:
I moved to "Lato" as font with a slightly larger font size, I think its a bit better already but we are not 100% there yet.
This website I consider a very nice reference for good readbility and typography: http://www.pcgames.de/Special-Thema-215651/Specials/Die-Psycho-Tricks-der-Spiele-Designer-Das-Spiel-in-deinem-Kopf-1144707/