Create CDC listener tool
Open, Needs TriagePublic


The AXIOM Remote is envisioned to communicate with the AXIOM Beta over USB and a CDC
( meaning simple ASCII messages are exchanged.

These messages can be received and sent over any serial console (like minicom, screen, putty, etc.) for debug purposes (from ttyACM0 typically).

Now we want to take this communication to the next level with a small (python?) tool running on the AXIOM Beta or for development purposes on a Linux PC connected to the AXIOM Remote that listens to the ASCII messages coming from the AXIOM Remote and responds to some of them accordingly to the protocol.

The protocol communication draft can be found here:

As first stage prototype this CDC script/tool could just modify a received single character message and advance it by one in the alphabet as return message.
Example: if the remote sends "A", the listener returns "B", or on receiving "Z" returns an "A". That way we can verify the first parts of the communication.

This task is related to T1122.

sebastian added a comment.EditedMay 24 2020, 2:17 PM

<anuejn> the simplest (as in works right now) would be to use the fuse api of nCtrl
<anuejn> and then write a standalone program / script that just reads the files there
<anuejn> just dig around in /axiom-api/ on a camera runing
<anuejn> or use the webui register explorer, that has the same (file) hierarchy

sebastian updated the task description. (Show Details)Jan 17 2021, 7:26 PM
sebastian updated the task description. (Show Details)Jan 17 2021, 7:29 PM