Participate / Developer Area / Hardware ->
other pages seam to work.
Participate / Developer Area / Hardware ->
other pages seam to work.
What would be the best behavior for this?
Drupal (and thus we) need a way to classify content in the menu hierarchy. If a page is not part of the menu no breadcrumb.
But to make the mater more complicated, you can also install an add-on module that let you define "sane" defaults, for example every "project" content type could be automagically put under Home > Projects
What would be the best behavior for this?
Each Item should link to a specific Page. otherwise why are they there?
you mean each page should have some position in the menu?
you might be right in fact :-)
I think we didn't do that in order to not clutter the menu too much.
Let's find a way
The breadcrumbs generate automatically from where the page/project is placed in the menu ("menu settings" -> "provide menu link" -> Set "Parent Item")
I now fixed this for the dictator project page, if you find any other page that has wrong breadcrumbs please report here in in lab.